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                    Cheryl's POV

"Kyle I don't know what to do. My dad won't answer me and I'm scared. There has to be something in this house that he was in" I hear Toni say.

I hear walking but can't see it. Oh that's why. My eyes are closed. I flutter my eyes open looking around a little. Seeing Betty, Veronica, Kevin, and Minerva.

I groan holding my head. I see Toni run towards me. "Shh shh. It's okay" She says in a soothing voice. "What happened? And where are we?" I say.

"My dads house. I don't have time to explain it I have to go" She says. I roll My eyes. "Of course you do. You always have to leave. At least Minerva never leaves me" I say standing up a little trying not the fall back down.

I see Toni turn on her heels and look at me. She walks towards me and grabs my wrist harshly dragging me into a room.

"Look. I'm sorry but My dad is out there, with a mob of brain washed robots. He told me to save everyone I could. The guys are in the other room with Kyle, and I got you guys in here. Okay? I didn't have to save your little girlfriend MIND YOU, came in the bathroom trying to fuck me. So don't. I have too much shit on my plate right now for you to be comparing me to your girlfriend" She says.

I roll my eyes. "She's not my girlfriend TT" She sighs. "Don't- call me that. I- ugh. My head hurts so bad. I'm sorry for going off like that. Ah-fuck. Ahhh" She winces.

"Don't apologize. It's my fault. All of this. I should've known what I was dealing with when I got with you" I say. I stand there waiting for her to say something but she just stands there.

Like not moving at all. I wave my hand infront of her. "Uhh Toni?" I say.  I snap my fingers and nothing happens. I walk out the door ready to get Kyle but see a mob of people or robots standing in the living room.

"We are here to save you. In a few seconds, Toni was about to have what we call a Robot Malfunction. Hers are worse though saying that she is a werewolf as well. We advise you all to leave" They say.

You all? I look around and see the gang up and looking at me. "GUYS" I say running towards Betty and Veronica. We hug each other and look at them. "And why should we trust you?" I ask.

"Yeah for all we know you just want us away from her so you can kill her" Betty says. The guy in the front shrugs his shoulders. "Okay" He snaps and a gust of wind comes out. We all cough.

"So uh, Toni is a robot?" Archie says. I was about to say something but the door Toni is in slams shut. We here a bang. And then another. And then another. Along with glass breaking.

"I think you guys should l-l-l-l-l-l-l-" Kyle starts. He stands there glitching. "If he means leave then let's just go" Jughead says. We all walk out the house and close the door.

"Yeah well I'm gonna go. I don't know what's happening but...yeah" Minerva says walking away. Everyone agrees except Beronica, Archie and Jughead.

I sigh sitting on the ground with everyone else. "What do we do?" Archie ask. I shrug my shoulders. "What you need to do is go far away from here" I scream at the voice but calm down as I see it's Toni's dad.

"They almost got me. Those brain washed robots. I'm too strong for them though" He says about to walk into the house. "WAIT- Toni and Kyle are like i don't know glitching in there" I say. Everyone else nods.

"Oh no. It's happening" He says. We all look at him in confusion. "The more humans know about us, the more your species is in danger. The whole human race can completely leave existence if this isn't fixed. They are glitching because we were made to protect but during this time we were made to kill. Our original creator is hidden somewhere on this world. With something called The Heart. It will help us" He says.

"And where are we supposed to find this "heart"?" Veronica says. He shrugs his shoulder. "I don't know. Apparently a robot has it hidden in them. But only a robot that was made. Not....reproduced like Toni. Their glitch should ware off. And then we can find it all together" He says.

I look at everyone else. And they nod. "We're in" I say. He nods. "You're good for Toni. I'm sorry I took her from you. She killed Kevin's dad. And I couldn't let her get caught. So I took her far away from here. She was so mad at me for taking her from you she wouldn't talk to me the whole time. She truly loves you. And when we figure this out, everyone can go back to normal" He says. I think about what he said.

And start to feel guilt for letting Minerva use me in a time of weakness.  I nod slowly. "I'm going to go in. I'll signal if it's safe" We all nod and wait for him. "It's good" He says after a few minutes. We walk in and I hear Veronica and Betty gasp.

"Goodness fuck it looks like a lion was in here" Jughead says. "Well she is a werewolf" I say. I hear Jughead and Archie start to cough. "Wait what? I thought she was just a robot" Jug says. "Her dad is one too" Betty says to him.

We walk to the noise and see Kyle eating cereal out the box. We look on the ground and see Toni in wolf form eating raw chicken. Everyone else jumps back in fear but I just stand there.

"Toni? Are you in there?" I ask. She looks up at me. "Hey TT" I say. She growls lightly. Slowly transforming back into her self but not fully. "It's just me. Your...g-girlfriend" I say walking towards her.

She starts to whimper like a dog with a broken paw. I touch her face and she transforms fully into her self. But bare naked like the day she was born. "What are you, ugh, doing here?" She says. I grab the chicken and put it next to her.

"Come on" I say grabbing her hand and helping her walk to the room. "Why are we in Kyle's house?" She says. I sit her on the bed and tell her everything's that happened while putting bath water on. "Oh gosh. I'm so sorry Cher I-" I shush her.

"Just get in the water please?" I say helping her up. She goes in sinking down so the waters at her neck. I sit there and watch her steadying her features. She looks so tired.

I stand up to walk away but she grabs my hand lightly. I've missed that touch. "Join me. Please?"

Authors Note: SERIOUS WRITERS BLOCK😭 and I've never had writers block this damn serious before. BUT DONT WORRY. We will get them back!! Next chapter will be long😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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