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*This will always be Toni's POV*

I wake up with a blasting alarm clock. Definitely not mine. It's too early for this shit. I wake up and go upstairs to the bathroom. I walk in and see a sight I wasn't meant to see. "AHHH" we both scream. I yelled sorry and closed the door shut quickly. I didn't know she was taking a shower.

Oh my gosh it's probably been like 10 hours, when is she gonna get out the shower. And then just on cue she walked down in her vixen uniform. God her body is perfect. Her legs. Her curves. "Come on cha cha, we have tryouts" She said. She sat on the couch and went on her phone. I went and got dressed with just my black crop top and my black jeans, which would go with my new serpent jacket I try out for tomorrow.

Hopefully it's not any fighting. I really don't want too but I would have to tell Jughead. "Hey Cheryl" I asked in the car. "Hm" She said. "Do you have Jugheads number?" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Of course I have Hobos number" She said with attitude. Then she looked at me. "Why? And how come you asked for Hobos number before you asked for mine?" She said looking down. "I didn't wanna step too far in boundaries and im joining the serpents tomorrow and I have to tell him something important" I said.

We just sat in silence until I had the courage to ask her. "Can I have your number, Cheryl?" I said. She brought her hand out and I gave her my phone. I looked at her face while she was putting her number in. Glad shes at a red light. She stopped when someone honked.

"Oops sorry haha" She says. "It's fine" I say. I look on my phone and it has 2 new contacts. Jugheads im guessing because it says hobo and her's which I find the cutest. It says Cheryl with a cherry. "That's cute Cheryl" I say making her blush. We sat in silence while I texted Jughead.

Me: Hey Jug this is Toni

Hobo: Hey Tiny

Me: I have to tell you something important.

Changed name to Jug

Jug: You can tell me tonight at 8. That's when we have the initiation.

Me: Alright see you at school

Jug: Bye

I put my phone down and I put my arm on the are rest between Cheryl and me and I felt our arms brush a few times making me feel something different. I don't know what it was but I liked it. "We're here" She says. We walk out and I follow her in the gym.

"Okay Toni, do you have a change of clothes?" She asks me. "Uhhhh I didn't know I was gonna need to" I say. She just smiles. "Its okay TT, I can give you a vixen shirt and shorts" New nickname? "Thanks Cher" We go into the locker room and she hands me the clothes. "2 minutes Toni, byeee" she says. I just smirk. I change my clothes thinking about what to do for the tryouts. I decided to do a freestyle I did back in Greendale.

I walk out and I get everyone's attention. Cheryl looks me up and down. Oh lord. "Everyone!!" She yells. "This is Toni and she is trying out" Everyone smiles at me. I stand in line waiting for my turn. I see Veronica try out and she did really good. Along with Betty and other girls. Finally it's my turn and im nervous.

The music starts playing and I just start moving my hips and then I start getting into it and I see everyone bobbing there heads and Cheryl doing that same smirk. I finished and I feel great. She walks over to where I am and I walk into the crowd nervous. "So nobody made it except Veronica, Betty and my new friend Toni Topaz" She finishes. I squeal and jump up and down with Veronica and Betty. She smirks at me and I smile.

We were looking at each other till I saw Veronica look between us and whisper something to Betty. "Toni" she starts laughing. "I saw those heart eyes y'all were giving each other" Veronica says. I just start laughing. "Cmon really?" I say. "Yeah its obvious Tones" Betty says. "Everyone go home or ill kick you out myself, inner circle come along" Cheryl says. Veronica, Betty and I looked at each other confused. "Uggghhh, Veronica, Betty, Toni, Josie" Cheryl says. We walk up to her.

"Okay so im having a sleepover at my house and you guys are invited" Cheryl says. I shrug. "What time?" I say. "Toni I can just pick you up since I stayed at your house" She says. I just nod. I see Veronica and Betty smirking at me. I just roll my eyes and laugh. Then I just remembered I gotta tell Jughead I can't make it and tell him about me beforehand.

I trust him not to tell anyone. "Hey Betty, do you know where Jughead is? I say. "Yeah he's in the blue and gold why?" He says. "I gotta talk to him" She nods and I tell Cheryl ill see her in the first period. I speed walk to the blue and gold and see Jughead on his laptop. "Jughead we gotta talk now" I say. He looks up at me and nods his head. "So im doing a Vixen thing today at 8. And I won't be able to make the initiation" I say. "Its okay Tones. I needed an extra day anyways to get your serpent jacket ready" I think whether I should say it or not.

"Jughead... there's something else I should tell you about me" I start. He looks at me. I tell him everything about me. And he just looks at me in disbelief. "I don't believe you Toni" he says. "Punch me" I say. "What Toni?! Im not gonna punch you, I have one shot punches" I looked at him smirking. "Just do it" He punches me as hard as he can and I take the punch. My cheek starts bleeding. Not gonna lie, it hurt like shit.

"Now look what I did" he says turning around to get a tissue. He turns back around and drops the tissue in shock. "See" I say. "Okay I believe you" He says. "So I wanna have the serpents protect you. Like a family, knowing about you, and we give you a free motorcycle" He says.

"Well luckily for me, I know how to ride one" I say smirking. "So tomorrow at 8-9" he says. And right on time the bell rings. I say my goodbyes and walk to the first period. I walk in and see Cheryl sitting all the way in the back. I sit next to her while waving at Veronica and Kevin. I sit next to Cheryl. She says hi and I smile. I wasn't paying attention to the history teacher as I was busy texting Cheryl. We were laughing quietly in the back. 

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