Back Story

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I woke up in a white room. Where am I. Where is my family? Oh no. Where IS my family. I try to remember the last thing I saw. But I regret seeing it now. My mom. Dead. I don't remember anything else, where my dad is, but I know. My mom is dead.

Am I next? Am I going to die? What's happening? Where am I? All these questions I have. Giving me a headache, like it's been building for days. I see the door open. Some random lady. I can't see well, for some reason my vision is blurry.

"You're safe now" the lady said. How do I know for sure? "I can't trust you" I say. She looks at me and comes closer. I know who this is. It's my friend Katy. I get up to hug her but I fall back down.

"Don't try to get up" she starts. "I'm sending you to a small town called Riverdale. Somewhere safe where there are no SHRF around" she says. I frown.

"What about you?" I say worried. "Kyle and I are going to stay here. And fight" she says. What? She can get killed. "No you're gonna get killed" I say. "Let me help" I say trying to get off the ground. "Toni.....If I wasn't there to save you, you would be dead right now" She says.

"That's why I'm sending you away" What-how- why did this. She can't send me away. But before I know it I'm in a car driving to Riverdale. I look around. Weird symbols everywhere. See I've heard about this place.

"Here's some rules" she starts. "Number 1, I know your cravings and needs, so don't go around breaking girls hearts. Number 2, don't you dare say anything about the SHRF or do any clubs where people will find out, don't even mention it, If people ask where your parents are....." She paused for a minute and I looked down. Say they died. If they ask how, just say car crash" she finished.

"Okay" I say looking down. We both stood up and hugged. "I'll miss you Toni, and ill call you whenever I can" she says. "Thanks for doing this" I say. "Oh I forgot to tell you, you will be attending Riverdale High on Monday" She says. I nod.

"I did research on the school and there's a lot of mysteries and serial killers, so be careful. Don't want you getting hurt. " I smile.

"I heal fas- oh I see" I say. "Imma get some sleep" She nods. "See you" She says. "Bye" I fell asleep not knowing Riverdale High was a hell of a school.

A/N: In the process of editing my chapters😏

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