Part 13

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"You humans never cease to amaze me with your sheer amount of stupidity, this is absolutely the most idiotic thing you could ever possibly think of." Bill snarls, pissed beyond the point of yelling, pacing, or anything. I never thought I'd ever get to see Bill so angry to the point all he does is speak calmly while sitting on the couch and staring at us with a blank expression, it's the same kind of chastising you'd expect from a grandparent that just can't be bothered to punish you like a parent would, the kind of verbal beating that makes you wish that they would yell and scream. So while I'm sitting at the kitchen island, trying my hardest not to burst into tears Mable and Pacifica are standing in front of him like they just got called to the principal's office and look like they want to shit themselves with how much fear is coursing through them.

"Of all the demons. Of all the literal scum of all dimensions, you feel it's a good idea to place him, not even just in the same general area, but the same building that's barely larger than your typical shipping container."

I can physically see Pacifica swallow her nerve as she attempts to take a step forward, but something tells me she saw something in Bill's eyes that warned her otherwise. "We-...we don't really." she sighs and clenches her fist, steadying herself enough to at least talk properly. "We don't have anywhere else he can stay, Star can stay with me at my place and Marco can stay at the shack but you should know better than anyone that the second Tom even steps on the porch that Ford will have him strapped to a table down in that stupid lab of his."

"So let him."

I try my best to hide my shock, I know that if I do then Mable and Pacifica will know somethings up since they still think demons are all heartless beings with no care for other living things. Mable however spares a glance at me regardless, no matter how good I get at keeping a poker face she will always have some sort of clue of what I'm thinking or feeling.

"Unlike you, Tom has learned to have compassion for human beings and is Marco's friend." Mable manages, using her natural caring nature to outweigh her current fear.

Bill ignores her, getting up and makes his way over to stand beside me, placing his arm over my shoulders. My sister and her girlfriend both instantly panic, holding their breath out of fear they might say the wrong thing and this 'cold hearted' demon will snap my neck. I stiffen slightly, but more out of fear of what they might try to do rather than Bill. "Pine tree..."

"Y-Yeah?" I manage, my voice not sounding like my own but that of a frightened child.

"I will make you a deal: Tom can stay here and I will not kill or horribly maim him and in return I want you and you alone," he emphasizes, looking directly at the girls. "to come out here at least once a day."

"No! No no, absolutely not! You-"

"Deal." I mutter, cutting off my sister's rant and taking Bill's hand without hesitation. Mable instantly looks like she just watched someone hit me with a car or something, her face paled and her eyes became watery, running out of the cabin before. Pacifica wants to run out after her, I know she does just by the way her body hesitates and the equally broken look in her eyes; she wants to run out after her girlfriend and comfort her and ensure that nothing bad will happen to me and that everything will be okay, but the way she just stares at the door before looking back at us she knows she can't. I know nothing will happen to me, but she doesn't, both of them still think he'll kill any one of us the first chance he can get and that's why she doesn't follow Mable. I frown, knowing I not only just broke my sister's heart but got her relationship caught in the middle. "Pacifica, I'll be fine. Just go after her."

She stutters and huffs slightly, not able to find the right words or express how concerned she truly is, only able to made frustrated noises before closing her mouth an giving me a curt nod before running to join Mable out on the porch, letting us briefly hear her sobs as she runs out the door.

"You're going to have some explaining to do, on both ends." He whispers, slightly tightening his grip on my shoulder.

I wince and place my hand over his, knowing it won't get him to let go but it'll at least tell him that it hurts, but I think that's what he wants right now. "I-I know and I'm sorry, I...I know how much you two d-don't like each other but we really don't have any other choice. Stan won't let both Mable and I have different friends over after Mable's sleep over with Candy and Greta, and Pacifica's parents won't allow a guy, yet alone a guy with horns, stay over."

He hums, finally loosening his grip but only slightly and nuzzles his nose against my neck. "I suppose it was inevitable, at least I get something out of all this." His tone seems happy, but his blank expression doesn't change and that's what worries me.


"Hush." He snaps, placing his hands on my hips and sliding forward so he's wrapped his arms around my torso from behind and resting his lips and nose against the back of my head. I do my best to not shake, I know he's not really going to hurt me but that doesn't undo years and years of fear. "You're going to look fifty by the time you're twenty five if you don't learn to loosen up."

"I-I'm sorry." I whisper, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath in attempt to calm myself down. After a few moments I feel a bit of tension finally leave my body enough to at least lean into him. Finally he completely loosens his grip, holding me gently rather than like I'd run away at any second.

Startling me, he lifts me up and carries me to the couch where he assumes our previous position, setting me between his legs and keeping my back flush against his chest and I don't fight. I know last time I got onto him about personal space but after all this it only seems fair. "Don't apologize, just relax for me. You know I won't hurt you so prove that to them and you'll feel better."

I nod, leaning me head back against his shoulder and accepting his words. He's right, the only reason I'm so tense right now is because of two reasons: One is because I'm worried about Marco and the other is seeing my sister so upset isn't good for my heart. "Would...would it not help them trust you better if-"

"No Pine tree; I took a big enough risk by just telling you of the past. I can't guarantee that telling them won't break them or that they'll even accept it in the first place." He sighs, gently running his fingers through my hair in hopes it'll keep me calm despite my sister's muffled sobs not ten feet from us. "We just need to prove to them I won't hurt you and they'll be okay."

"That...that's why you gave me that deal isn't it? So that they can see that it's okay for any of us to be alone with you."

He smiles, gently kissing my ear and chuckling when it make me blush and shiver. "I was going to make the 'request' originally the next time all three of you came, but circumstance had other plans."

I nod and rub my ear where he'd kissed, trying to rid myself of the odd feeling in my stomach and the goosebumps it caused. "I-I think it'll be okay. I think they can learn to trust you, m-maybe...maybe never as much as I do but-" I gasp as he suddenly hugs me tightly and turns my head just enough to kiss me. I can feel my face heat up and can't stop the grunts that escape my throat in my loosing battle with his tongue that's invaded my mouth, feeling it toy with mine before retreating and taking my bottom lip between his teeth whilst he fully turns me around so I'm straddling his waist, I barely manage to catch the breath stolen from me before he fully reconnects our lips, making my chest feel tight and unelicited moans to break away from me. When he finally releases me I drop my head onto his shoulder panting, desperately trying to replenish the air that was so carelessly robbed from my lungs. "I....I t-...take're....h-happy..." I manage with a breathy laugh.

He chuckles, brushing his thumb against my cheek as his hand lifts to tangle his fingers in my hair and kiss my cheek. "You have no idea, my Pine tree." He smiles, this time kissing my forehead. "You have no idea."

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