Part 5

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"I don't think I even want to try and go back, with or without the girls. I mean; he- I know he's a demon and all and he even admits to not actually hurting any of us with the answers he gave but-..."

"What happened?"

I sigh, rubbing my hand over my eyes and down to my mouth before huffing out the most blunt answer I can manage. "He said I'm 'his toy'...who the hell even says something like that! For someone whos suppose to be all knowing; he certainly doesn't seem to understand basic boundaries!"

" you said, he is a demon. He's just toying with your emotions, don't let it get to you."

"Yeah..." I sigh, leaning my head back against the pillows on my bed and curling up in the covers to evade the cold creeping into my room. "What about you and your stalker issue?"

"I have no idea. I stayed at Tom's place last night so I don't have a clue if there's another letter or not; I told Star to just throw them away if I got any."

"So you're just going to hide from the problem?" I blush when I hear him laugh on the other line.

"Like you have the right to judge, aren't you doing the same thing?"

"Shut up. It's different, you can take the letters to the cops or something if it get's too bad. If I even bring up Bill's name to literally anyone in town it'll start a panic."

"That's true I guess." He chuckles, trying to quiet his giggles. "I honestly had forgotten about taking the letters to the police station- Probably because they're next to useless."

I shrug despite knowing he can't see me. "Yeah, well that's what happens when you get use to dealing with all the crazy stuff that goes on in our lives." I huff, noticing the sound of a door opening on Marco's end.

"Hey, I gotta go I'll talk to you later, but seriously- just go see him; what's the worst that could happen?" He tries to reassure as he hangs up, leaving me with my silent turmoil of frantic thoughts.

"A lot could happen..." I sigh, tilting my head back to look out the window at the harsh rains that pelt the glass and winds that rip at the trees mercessly. My stomach twists at the sight, making my skin crawl with unwanted concern. With a storm like this Mable and Pacifica are not only going to be stuck at work till late into the next morning, but what about Bill? What if a tree crashes into the window? What if he freezes? Does he know to start a fire? Blankets? Anything?

Suddenly I find myself packing a backpack  with a couple blankets, a jacket, socks- anything I could fit in it and pull on a jacket while grabbing my helmet and keys to my dirt bike as I leave my room. I notice Soos on a ladder in the gift shop trying to fix a dead bulb and smile. Perfect.

"Hey, Soos, can I ask a favor?"

"Huh? Sure little dude. "He smiles, climbing down having finished what he set to accomplish. "What's up? Got a rain monster you wanna catch or somethin'?"

"No, nothing like that, actually I was wondering if you would cover for me if Mable comes back and asks where I'm at. I'm going to stay with um- a friend, but she's not really to fond of them."

"Oh" He chuckles. "I got ya, sure dude. My lips are totally sealed!" He mock salutes, completing the act by pretending to zip and lock his lips and throwing away an invisible key.

"Awesome, thanks man. I'll try to be back tomorrow if the rain lets up." I smile, waving at him as I run outside into the awful weather and to the side of the shack where Grunkle Stan and Ford had built a garage so Mable and I could keep her car and my bike after some jerk *cough cough-Robbie-cough* slashed my tires last year. Starting up the motor I slip on my helmet and tighten the straps on my backpack before taking off into the woods.

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