Chapter Two: Pure Chaos

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"Looks like your favorite Loki betrayed you, Mobius."
Haven Hills, Alabama

The possessed B-15 walks through isles, with Loki trailing behind.

"Enchantment is a clever trick. Cowardly, a bit amateur-ish, but clever." Loki insults.

"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA." She retorts.

"I'm working for me." B-15 scoffs.

"You really believe that, don't you?"

"Yeah." She chuckles at him.

"And here I was worried that they'd found a better version of me." A Roxxcart employee walks down the isle and makes his way up to the two.

"Hi, are you guys looking for the disaster shelter?" He asks gesturing with his hand towards the shelter.

"No." B-15 responds and touches his arm, the green aura surrounding him as she falls to the ground.

He turns and slowly walks away as Loki checks if B-15 is dead.

"Oh, bless." Loki looks up at him, "Are you going to call your little friends for help?"

Loki stands up slowly and walks towards the enchanted man.

"What's the matter? You too scared to meet me face-to-face? I haven't even seen the other one yet. Show yourselves." Loki dares. When he doesn't respond Loki continues on,

"You know, gaining their confidence was no mean feat." The man stops in his tracks and turn around.

"Oh, my God. You went undercover. "

"If you could possibly sheathe your smarm for a moment, I have an offer for you. That's why I found you. You can deliver the message to your little accomplice too."

"Go on."

"I'm going to overthrow the Time Keepers. And, uh, cards on the table, I could use a qualified lieutenant or two."

"And I assume you mean, me?"

"What say you, Loki." He grimaces at the name.

"Ugh, don't call me that. You can call me..." he glances down at his name tag, " Randy." Loki takes in a deep breath.

"God. Now I understand why Thor found this so annoying. Your Thor is probably tired of you already. Listen, enough with your games. I've been trying to help you. I kept them vulnerable at the Renaissance Fair for quite some time."

"Oh, gosh, and that was just so nice of you. But after eight to ten seconds of consideration, the answer is no. We are not interested in ruling the Time Varience Authority." He turns and swiftly walks away, Loki walks just as fast to keep up.

"If you don't want to rule the TVA, then what do you want?" Loki asks.

"It doesn't matter, your too late."

"I think you'll find I'm well ahead of schedule. I found your hiding place like that," he snaps, "I'd say that makes me the superior Loki, wouldn't you?" Randy simply keeps walking, ignoring him.

Loki sighs until he notices something;

a reset charge.

"I see, that's your plan. Lure us all here so you can blow the place up." He looks around to notice Randy is gone. He soon goes flying back. A new man stand there chuckling. Loki grunts,

"I miss Randy." He gets tries to get up but the man kicks him across the room. The man continues to laugh.

"Thank you for helping me stall for time. You really do love to hear yourself talk."

"Your the first person to tell me that." Loki tells him sarcastically, only to me picked up and thrown again.
The man just mocks him.

"I would never treat me like this." Loki says in disbelief. He swiftly stands up from the floor.

"Hi." He tells the man dodging his punch.

As the fighting continues Loki ends up on the floor, yet again.

The man moves to finish setting up the reset charges as Loki remains on the floor.

"What do you want from me? What is this about " He yells to the man as he gets up, once again.

The man stops his work and makes his way to Loki, chuckling as he does so.

"Brace yourself, Loki." As soon as he says this a hammer knocks him over, the green aura disappearing from his body. Loki turns around to see two figures.

One with hands glowing green.

The other, with a hammer in their hand.

They step forward and remove the hoods on their cloaks,

"This isn't about you." The blonde sneers.

One has short curled blonde hair in an outfit of green and gold. Small golden horns, one broken off, rest on her forehead . A dark green cloak flows down her back.

The other, with a maroon cloak. Long curled red hair, the front pieces ties behind her head. She wears an outfit of silver and navy. A small silver headband with wings sits on her forehead, much like her sisters.

Shock is very evident on Loki's face.

"Right." He nods. At that moment the countdown comes to an end, causing the power to go out.

All of the reset charges power on, dropping into random places on the Sacred Timeline causing chaos.

Pure chaos.

The lights in the store flash red. The blonde reaches down and grabs a tempad from off the bomb. She opens up a portal, gives him a sarcastic wave, and walk through.

The redhead stops. She winks at him before following her sister.

Chapter two is done! I really debated on giving my character her own Mjolnir but eventually decided she should get her own cool weapon.

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