Chapter 9: This can't be happening....

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Maria's POV

It's been a week since Alec left and there's something seriously wrong.

And it's not the fact that he left. The fact that he's not with me completely shattered me. 

But there's something else. I've been really....sick lately.

I've had a headache everyday since he left and I rarely wanted to leave bed except to feed. This has never happened to me. 

Can hybrids get sick?

Maybe because I'm still half-human, I can. But even after living for a hundred years, I've never felt this way before. 

No. This is just me being stupid and thinking too much. It's because of the fact that Alec left. The only man who I ever loved...left me.

I squeeze my eyes shut as the tears slowly trickle down the side of my face. 

I don't feel good. And my heart his broken. 

This is the shittiest day of my life. Ever.

Yes. Even worse than the day my parents left me. Know why? Because they never loved me. Alec loved me. The fact that he had to leave to protect me just hurts me even more. 

I sigh and immediately frown. There's something seriously wrong. And now, I have a very...unusual feeling going from my stomach all the way up to my throat. Something that I've never felt before.

Such a strange feeling. As if I'm about to..

My legs react before my mind does. And in less than 2 seconds, I'm out of bed and my mouth is  spewing blood into the toilet. It doesn't stop. Until it's all out.

After 3 long minutes, I push myself away from the toilet and wipe the blood from my mouth. 

Did I just....vomit?! Could we even do that? Blood is too hard to resit to vomit. But I didn't have a choice...I literally felt sick. 

My heart was thumping and I'm terrified now. There's a sharp pain in my lower abdomen that won't go away. I clutch my stomach and grit my teeth together. 

I...just need to move. 

Slowly, I force myself up off the ground. The single movement leaves me dizzy.

This is not natural. But right now. I have no idea what's wrong.

My stomach grumbles. I'm starving now. I need to feed again. But....not just blood. I need real food.

What is this?!

I've never felt this way before! Is this some kind of girlfriend thing that happens when your boyfriend leaves you.

But's something else. And I know that this is something that I should tell Carlisle, but I think that I should try and figure this out first. 

I walk downstairs and open the fridge. And surprise even myself when my hand goes for the chocolate bar in the back. 

Oh well. I'm hungry. 

Hesitantly, I take a small piece and pop it into my mouth. It tastes....alright. No. Gross. It's terrible. I don't want it.

I throw the rest of it away. I honestly don't know what's gotten into me. 

I trudge back up the steps into my room. And again, my hands go to my stomach.

"Ow...", I mutter. What the hell is in there? A baby?!

My eyes go wide as the "joke" inside my head begins to make sense.

My hands slowly press down on my abdomen. 

That single push fills me with an unbearable pain that almost makes me shriek.

I'm pregnant.

-----------------------------------------------------an hour later-------------------------------------------------------

It takes me awhile to finally find where Carlisle works. 

It's a small hospital, but quite popular because word goes around that Carlisle is the best doctor you can see. He's the only one I can trust to talk to. Plus, I need a test. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. There's no way a hybrid can get pregnant.


No one in my family knows whether you can get pregnant when you're half vampire. 

I walk up to the reception desk and smile,"Hey Denise. Where can I see Carlisle?"

She smiles back with her lips that have way too much red lipstick,"Hey hun. He's in the 2nd floor. He may be busy, but I'll ring him and tell you're coming."

"Thanks.", I tell her and walk upstairs.

Carlisle's alone in the room and looks busy in paper work.

I knock lightly on the doorway.

He looks up and smiles,"Maria. Denise told me you're coming."

I nod, but don't say anything. My thoat's closed and I think I might just break down crying at any moment now.

He narrows his eyes,"What is it?"

I whisper,"...Can hybrids get pregnant?"

There's silence.

"I don't know. There's definetely a chance.", he stands up. 

"...Can...can I have a test....please?", I look down.

Again, there's deathly silence.

"Sure.", he puts on a small smile and directs me to a seat.

I know he wants to know. But he's too much of a kind person to ask. He knows that I'll tell them when and if I want to.

The test takes a few minutes, but he frowns when he sees the results.

"What does it say?", I ask quickly.

He looks up, doesn't say anything, but slowly nods.

My heart drops to my stomach and I start to softly cry.

Stupid. Stupid. Why didn't I think of this?! What the fuck is wrong with me?! I'm half human. I had sex. And I'm pregnant. Of course. 

Carlisle puts his hand on my shoulder,"It's alright.", he says comfortingly,"You know that we'll always be here to help you throgh this."

"No, Carlisle.", I say,"You'll hate me. I want to know...who...the father is..." I find myself choking on my words.

"Well, you don't have to tell us anything you don't want to.", he tells me.

"I will.", I tell him,"All of you. But together. Tonight."

He nods. 

But right now. There are far more other things going on in my mind. How will I raise the baby? And how will I tell Alec? Actually...will I even tell Alec? 

AUTHORS NOTE: Well what did you guys think? :D Didn't expect THAT did you? Comment+rate! <3333333

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