Chapter One: Intro

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Maria's POV

A deep sigh escapes my lips as I put my fingers through the grass underneath me. For me, it's just another peaceful way of feeling the reality around me. As if I'm not living in my own little fantasy anymore.

My name's Maria. Maria Laisey. And I was born in 1902 by my human mother and her vampire lover. So yes, I'm a hybrid. But my parents couldn't stand me. They left me on the streets as soon as I was old enough to know right from wrong. Apparently all I was to them was a "problem that just needed to be fixed."

Tears well up in my eyes as I tear up the grass underneath me.....everyone leaves me. Even the people who I thought I could always trust.

To me, I think it's pure ignorance to trust anyone. No one will ever be there for you. It's best to just be on your own. You'll be happier that way. Trust me.

I used to be a ruthless killer. Out of anger, I spent the last century killing humans and feasting on them for blood. I haven't had human food in such a long time. Not that I care though. It tastes absolutely horrid. 

Actually, I've been staying with the Cullens for the past few years so I've switched to an animal diet.

Carlisle found me in the forest because I never really had a home after my parents and he took me in. They're so sweet, but I still don't trust them. There's this nagging feeling that they'll leave me. And why shouldn't I have that feeling? Everyone else has. Why are they any different?

Edward is the only one who knows I feel this way because he can read my mind. He's said something to me about it once or twice, but stopped because it never changed the way I thought about them.

I actually have a gift myself. I can make people feel complete and utter confusion of what's going on in the situation. That's how I got most of my victims to stay quiet. By using my power. That way they'd stop screaming and just look at me. As if they had no idea what I was doing. It's pretty helpful actually. 

But over time, I've learned how to control my thoughts. Some things I just want to stay in my head. No one else's but mine.

I know the one question that's going on in your mind. Do I have a mate?


If I can't even trust, how the hell will I love. 

But I'm not going to lie. It'd be nice to finally find my missing half. Maybe then I'll finally find happiness.

I twirl my wavy, black hair in my hands look up at the sky. It's very sunny today. Uncommon for a place like Forks.

High school. Let's not lie. It's a living hell. No one bullies me or anything, but people are just so irritating. Teenage girls are way too preppy and cheery and just annoying as hell. And teenage guys are very douche-baggy. 

I guess I do have some "friends" though. I never sit with them at lunch though. Nor do I trust them. They want me to and always ask where I go, but I usually just find myself sitting at the library. Most of the time I'm studying because I've never really had a proper education until now. People call me a nerd but I don't care at all. 

Being a writer would be my dream. And I'd love to go to a prestigious college like Harvard or something. 

Do I have fun? Nope. Never. One reason is because I really don't want to. But the main reason is because if someone got hurt and bled, I wouldn't be able to control myself. 

Well. I should really get back. The forest is a place I come to when I just want to be alone and think. But I'm a part of their family now, so I should go back to the house and...I I guess.

I run full speed and reach the house in less than a minute. 

But as soon as I walk in, I know there's something wrong. 

"What is it?", I ask, my brows furrowed. 

"The Volturi are coming back....", Alice's voice is shaky.

My eyes widen as I let this sink in. Is this about Renesmee?? Edward and Bella told me about what happened between them and the Volturi when Renesmee was born. 

"Wa-what?!", I say loudly,"A-all of them...or?"

Alice bites her nails and says,"I'm not too sure. I think only one or two. There's one who I know for sure is coming though."

Edward's eyes grow wide as he reads her thoughts.

"Alec", he says in a frustrated voice.

My heart almost stops beating as soon as I hear his name. 

His lethal. I'd be absolutely petrified if I caught myself near him. Though I'd never show it. It's hard for me to show fear. Shock, I'll show. But fear. Never.

I've never seen him though. Just heard of him. And his sister, Jane. She is someone who I'd never want to meet. Not just because of her power, but because of her sadistic attitude. Though I doubt that her brother would be much different. 

"Maybe they aren't here for us.", I hear Carlisle speak up.

"Maybe...", Alice echos,"but we are going to have to wait and see."

"When are they coming, Alice?", Bella asks whilst grabbing Renesmee and embracing her.

Alice looks at her with worry in her eyes,"Now."

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