Chapter 1

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💙Keith's/BF's POV💙

I wake up one morning to my alarm ringing in my ear. I grab my phone and rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them. Looking at the time, it read 9:00 AM. I finally turn off the alarm, sighing as I get out of bed. I brush my teeth, take a shower, and get dressed, wearing the usual. I wear my white t-shirt with a 🚫 sign on it, my baggy blue jeans, my red sneakers, and my red cap. I make some waffles and eggs for breakfast but just before I sit down, my phone starts vibrating. I look at it and saw I was getting a call from my girlfriend, Cherry.

Cherry: "Hey babe! Did you get the text I sent?"

Keith: "What text? You send me thousands everyday!"

Cherry: *sighs* "The text for the next location of your rap battle."

Keith: "Oh yeah! I got it! Do you know who I have to battle?"

Cherry: "Nope sorry." *ringtone starts playing* "I gotta take this call. Bye Keith!"

Keith: "Wait what?"

Call ended

Not gonna lie but sometimes I feel like Cherry's cheating on me. She started becoming more distant and sometimes she ends our calls early because someone else calls her. She insists it's one of her parents but I can't help but feel like she's lying. Tears start to well up in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. I end up sitting down and eating my breakfast while watching YouTube videos. After I finish my food, I wash my plate and decide to play on my Nintendo Switch. I played for a couple of hours before looking at the time. 'It's only 2 PM?' I thought. 'Might as well take a nap.' I head to my bedroom to lay on my bed getting lost in my thoughts. Eventually, I slowly drift off to sleep.

--time skip to a couple hours later-- 

I wake up and look at the time. 'Shoot! It's 5:50?! I'm supposed to be there by 6! I'm gonna be late!' I jump out of bed and book it! I run as fast as I can to the location that Cherry sent me. Eventually, I end up at a train station and see Cherry sitting on the speakers texting someone and giggling like she always does. We wait a few minutes before we see a person walking towards us in the distance. They had orange hair, wore and green sweater and khakis, and was holding a gun in one hand.

"P-Pico?!" I gasped.


🧡Pico's POV🧡

I head towards the destination I chose a couple of minutes late. I had a smug look on my face like I always do. As I get closer, I hear my name being called by a familiar high pitched voice.



Keith runs to me and gives me a tight bear hug. I couldn't help but return the hug.

"I missed you, Carrot! How have you been?" Keith asks.

"It depends. How have you been, Blueberry? Still short as ever I see?" I replied, kneeling down and giving him a boop on the nose.

"Hey! I'm not that short!" Keith yells, blushing in embarrassment.

"You two know each other?" a lady in red asks.

"Yep!" Keith answers. "We were best friends in school! Oh yeah! Pico, this is my girlfriend, Cherry. Cherry, this is Pico."

"Hey." she says.

"Hey." I say back. I don't have a good feeling about this Cherry girl. I lean down and whisper to Keith.

"She looks like she's made of plastic." 

Keith's cheeks puff up as he tries to hold in his laughter. "Don't be rude, Pico." he snickers.

Cherry just sighs and looks at her phone again, not even caring about what we were talking about.

"Anyways, ready for me to beat your butt in a rap battle?" Keith asks.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry shorty but it's gonna be the opposite. I'm gonna be kicking your a-"

"Can we just start already?!" Cherry interrupted.

"Ok, ok geez! Plus, I'm not that short..." Keith says as the music starts up.

💙Third Person POV🧡

Both guys finished rap battling, out of breath. Pico looks at Keith with a smirk on his face.

"Wow Blueberry. You really improved a lot!" he says.

"Heh. Thanks Pico! You didn't do pretty bad yourself." Keith teases.

Pico scoffs and playfully punches Keith on his arm. The two burst out laughing while Cherry quietly sneaks away. They stop laughing and Pico notices that Cherry is gone.

"Hey dude?" Pico says. "Where's your girlfriend?"

Keith turns his head toward the speakers and realizes Pico isn't lying. He feels sad and hurt but he didn't want to ruin the mood with Pico here.

"Oh it's fine! She does this all the time. She probably called her dad to come and pick her up." Keith lies. It's not true. Cherry never did this before.

"Oh ok. Well then I'll see you man." Pico says, walking off.

"Wait!" Keith says, making Pico stop. "We should exchange numbers so we could hang out."

"Yeah sure! That sounds good."

 Pico and Keith exchange their numbers, say their goodbyes, and split ways.

--time skip to a few days later uwu--

The blue haired boy wakes up one morning and decides to go to his local coffee shop. Keith gets dressed and heads out. On the way to said coffee shop, Keith decides to surprise Cherry and get her favorite drink for her. As he opens the doors to the café, he got a very unexpected surprise.

💙Keith's/BF's POV💙

"Ch-Cherry?" I whisper to myself.

I see Cherry with another guy. They're giggling and having a good time.

'They're probably just friends...right?' I think.

Then they did the thing I would never want to never see in a million years. They kiss. I feel nauseous. I clutch my stomach and cover my mouth with my hand. I try to run but it feels like I'm glued to the floor. My head starts to hurt and I start sweating and hyperventilating.  My world starts spinning. Thoughts keep rushing through my head all at the same time. 'What's going on? What's happening? Does she hate me? Why is she doing this? Why me?' Black. Everything went black. The last thing I hear is someone yell my name.


Word count: 1057 words (excluding the A/N)

Hey guys! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my cringy story. I hope you are willing to continue reading and deal with my cliché ass. So, I guess I'll see you in the next chapter! 😘

I Think I Fell in Love with You - A Pico x Keith StoryWhere stories live. Discover now