Chapter 4

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💙Keith's/BF's POV💙

I wake up the next morning in the worst mood ever. Now I have a new problem to deal with. On top of Cherry's annoying ass, I think I'm falling in love with Pico. This is too much for me to handle. Hauling my ass out of bed, I make my way to the bathroom realizing I didn't even shower yesterday. I take a quick shower, yeet Pico's clothes onto his pile of clothes on the floor, put on my own clothes, which now smell like Pico due to them being in his room. I take a look at Pico, who is sleeping like a baby with his little grin. Huh. Younger me was right. He does look cute when he sleeps. I feel myself blush as I get closer to Pico's face. I look at his cute freckles and I can't help but to look at his lips. I didn't realize I was getting closer to his face until Pico starts to wake up. I back away tremendously as my whole face starts turning red. I dash out of the room and head into the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of us. Rummaging through the fridge, I manage to find some eggs in there. I decide to make scrambled eggs. I put the carton of eggs on the counter and turn around to be face to face with Pico. I let out a beep causing me to fall on my butt.

"Ugh Pico!" I yell, looking up at him. As usual, he is dying from laughter.

"Wow Blueberry!" Pico says, wiping a tear away from his eye. "That was one of the best reactions I've ever gotten from you!"

I put on a pout to let Pico know how annoyed I am with him. He rolls his eyes.

"Aww come on. Don't be like that!" he says, picking me up from off the floor and lifting me in the air.

"Let go of me!" I shout, kicking my legs. But he wasn't paying attention. Looking at Pico carefully, I notice that he's focusing on my face. What the hell is looking at my face for?!

"Are you blushing?" he finally asks, putting me down on the ground.

What?! I-I'm blushing?! I lift my hand up to my cheek and surely enough, it's warm. Just my luck.

"No! Umm... that's food coloring?" I say, praying that he had red food coloring somewhere in his house.

Pico looks at me for a hot minute like his eyes are looking into the depths of my soul.

"I had food coloring?" he asks.

"Oh yeah! It was umm... at the very back of your pantry!" I say, hoping he would just let it go.

"Why would you put it on your face?" 

Shit! Now I'm caught! Quick! Think of some stupid reason he would believe because he thinks I'm stupid enough to do it! "I-I wanted to see if it had any scent?" I mentally facepalm myself for that one.

To my relief, Pico shrugs it off and pats me on the head. "Call me when breakfast's ready." he says.

I release the breath that I've been holding in unknowingly. I try to focus on making the scrambled eggs but my mind somehow keeps on drifting back to Pico. For example, I started out by thinking of a bouncy ball and miraculously ended up thinking of Pico. I almost burnt the eggs just because of this! I hate this... 

"Carrot! Breakfast's ready!" I call out.

Not even a second later, Pico appears right behind me. I get scared for the second time today.

"Geez Blueberry! Jumpy much?" Pico chuckles.

"Only when you scare me like that, you creep!" I say.

Pico puts on a fake sad expression. "I feel like that comment was very unnecessary and I feel very hurt by it."

"Well, I'm still not gonna say sorry!" I say, turning around away from Pico.

"Then I'm gonna make you!"

I Think I Fell in Love with You - A Pico x Keith StoryWhere stories live. Discover now