Chapter 15: What the Lady Wants

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"Hey, you wanted to talk?" I said, walking into Niks office. He looked up when I walked in. "What's going on?"

"Yes, thanks for coming up here." He said with a sigh as he came around the front of his desk. He motioned for me to sit down as he sat on the edge of his desk. "Jo, we've been hearing rumors about Zeke. He was gone for several weeks so he just found out how many people we took. Apparently, when he realized Jeriah was gone, he knew it was you. He's been going pack to pack looking for all of you. They say he thinks someone was pretending to be me."

"What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly. I didn't want him coming here. My people are finally free and they don't need to see him ever again.

"Tell me what you think we should do. From a queens perspective." He said, giving me a knowing look. He's been testing me like this for a few weeks.

"I say we increase the border patrol." I began. "We keep listening for the rumors and see if he's coming closer. I think we should let the people know to be on the lookout for him in case he gets past our defenses. They shouldn't be left in the dark about this. He's dangerous and he will do and say anything to get what he wants."

"I agree with everything you just said. Good job." He said, kissing me on the cheek. "You were born to be my queen. You're doing such an amazing job with everything."

"I'm just trying my best." I said, blushing at his praise. "There's a lot of people to thank for helping me through this."

"They are only guiding. You're doing all of this from the heart." He said, sitting in the chair next to me. "You are going to be an amazing queen."

"Can I ask you something that's a little personal?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Why aren't we staying in a room together? Also, you know, um we haven't had sex."

"Oh um." He started, clearing his throat. "I just thought it was best to give you your personal space."

"Do you want me?" I asked, suddenly feeling confident. "We live on two different floors. I mean, I figured maybe we should live together like mates do."

"Of course I want you. I just-" He was interrupted by Luka walking in. He almost looked relieved at the interruption.

"Nik, we have that meeting to go to." He said, giving me a smile. It was almost as if Nik asked him for the rescue.

"Oh right. We'll talk later." Nik said, kissing me quickly and practically running from the room. The big bad demon king running from a talk about sex.

What am I gonna do now? I'd been thinking about this for some time and I was ready.

"I have an idea." Lyla said. I could feel her smirk. No doubt she was going to get us in trouble but I was willing to do anything.

. . .

"Are you sure about this, Lyla?" I asked nervously. I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Niks room was directly over mine.

"Yes. I can feel his demon." She replied. "He's pacing in his room, thinking about what you talked about today. This is a surefire way to get him down here."

"Fine. I'm gonna trust you. Don't make me look like an idiot." I told her as I took a deep breath. I wasn't as confident as I was earlier today.

Hesitantly, I trailed my hand down and stopped just between my legs. I was wearing the sexiest lingerie I could find. It was basically string wrapped around my body. I closed my eyes as I slid a finger in and out, just letting myself go. After a minute, I inserted a second finger and moaned quietly.

"He knows. Keep going." Lyla said, excited. I kept up the rhythm and moaned again. "He's fighting with his demon. At least he's done pacing. That was annoying."

"Focus." I snapped. "Call out to his demon."

"I already am." She said with smirk. "You need something to push Nikos over the edge."

I smiled slightly, no longer feeling nervous.

"Nik." I whispered with a moan. Seconds later, I heard his door slam. That did it. It didn't take long for my own door to slam open.

He stood there panting, his eyes a bright blue. Looks like he lost the fight with his demon. His eyes went straight to the hand between my legs. I gave him a wicked smile and kept moving my hand. He slowly closed my door and walked to the foot of my bed.

"You wicked little thing." He said in a husky voice. He crawled on the bed slowly and gently removed my hand. He looked up at me and smiled. "This is what you want?"

"Yes." I whispered. This was most definitely what I wanted.

"Well then, my little wolf." He said as he kissed my thigh. "What the lady wants, the lady gets."

I smiled to myself, proud that the plan worked. And boy did my mate give me what I wanted.

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