❀Chapter Twelve❀

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When I was in Middle School, I used to daydream about the woman I want to be. She would wear creamy silk dresses that wrap around her voluptuous curves, and it fits perfectly because she designed the dress herself. Even with a hugely successful fashion career she still finds time to paint. She dances and twirls from canvas to canvas in her art studio, splashing their surfaces with vibrant reds and purples. There's probably paint in her long flowing hair but she doesn't care about being messy. She is happy. She is fulfilled.

The images that I create in my head always felt so unattainable. There's no way my parents would let me pursue a career in the arts anyway. But lately I've been feeling the beginning of something new. Perhaps it's a fraction of what the version of me in my head feels every single day. Pure freedom.

The new Aurora would march back into Chris Bennet's house and tell everyone that laughed at her before to get bent. Because somewhere deep inside my body, a spark has been ignited, and there's no turning back now. All I want is to dive head first into this feeling and experience what life could be like if I was truly undone. If all the walls that I so carefully built for myself came crashing down.

Lately it feels like I'm just waiting for the days to turn into night so I can go to the Hideaway and live what's becoming something of a double life. My mom has been noticing that I'm sleeping in more than usual since I've been coming to eat breakfast later and later. I kindly explain to her that the college-related pressures have really gotten to me and I need more rest to cope with my anxiety. One mention of my anxiety and both my parents back off real fast. Thank god because otherwise I'd have to tell them the truth. That I've been kissing a boy at a bar where I'm not even legally allowed to drink at. Oh and I went back to his apartment and got wasted and dirty danced with a girl I barely even know.

Just thinking about everything I've done with Hayden makes me shudder, knowing that my dad would murder Hayden for even looking at his daughter in the way that he does. With those sultry green eyes, dotted with specks of golden brown, watching me like I'm a piece of meat he wants to devour. My phone's vibration catches my eye and I realize I have a missed text from last night.

(subject: Aurora)

Something has happened and I can't hang out with you guys anymore...come find me when you're ready to hear the truth about your boyfriend.

Zach's not one to write cryptic messages. I text him quickly back, apologizing for not responding sooner. Normally he responds right away. I wait before I text him again. After fifteen minutes I still have received nothing in my inbox and I'm starting to feel on edge. Why isn't he responding? I throw my phone in frustration on the bed. Now seems like a better time than any to catch up on some reading requirements.

Later that evening I'm finishing up at the dinner table with my parents when my phone vibrates. I hope Zach finally responded to me.

"Aurora, you know you're not allowed to have a phone at the dinner table!"

"Sorry mom! I'm actually done eating now, can I be excused?"

She nods and goes back to picking at her asparagus and medium rare steak. I glance down at my phone and I'm surprised to see Hayden's name flashing across the screen not Zach's. I take my plate and silverware over to the kitchen sink, but my hands are shaking. I wonder what he wants? I've got to get to my room and open this message. In my rush I almost break a plate but luckily my instincts take over and I catch it before it falls. Once I'm in the privacy of my room, I lock the door and open the message from Hayden.

(no subject)

What are you wearing?

I look down at my white shirt with tiny roses embroidered all over it and the khaki shorts that my mom got from Old Navy last summer. How embarrassing, I can't tell him this. Should he even be flirting with me if he's dating Misty...or maybe they're not together? All of this is so new to me, I don't know what the protocol is. But I do know that I didn't like her being all over him the other night.

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