❀Chapter Twenty-Two❀

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Towards the end of our dinner I notice Hayden's foot incessantly tapping the floor. Little beads of sweat have formed on his temple. I want to say something but the evening has been going so well. I'm worried that any questions will provoke a fight and that's the last thing I want to be doing at our first anniversary dinner.

"Hayden, I'm sorry I went to my parents house without talking to you first. Next time I'll come to you and we can work out our issues together."

He looks irritated, as if I disturbed some internal dialogue he's having with himself.

"Babe it's fine. I love you."

I nod but don't respond. Something about the quick way he says "I love you" causes my stomach to uncomfortably flutter. It's probably nothing, maybe he's just tired. He pays the bill after we finish eating and we head out into the night.

Walking hand in hand down the ped mall we are anonymous. No one knows our story, or the pain we've caused each other. No one will report back to my parents to say that they saw me with a "bad boy" covered in tattoos. We get to walk through the crowds nameless. Anonymous. At this moment I can be anyone. I can be the woman in the sexy black dress who is capable of bringing a man like Hayden to his knees.

People are gathering off to the side to watch an acrobatic couple do their contorted stunts, while a performer next to them spins balls of fire. Hayden grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him as we watch the display. Our eyes reflect the fiery glow. He bends down to lick my ear lobe and whispers.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

Even in the middle of this public place Hayden knows how to provoke my desire. I find myself grinding into him from behind as he continues to nibble on my ear. The crowd of people surrounding us are hypnotized by the show. No one notices as I reach around and slip my hand into the waistband of Hayden's dress pants, while loosening his belt buckle with the other.

Getting Hayden off in the middle of this mass of people is just the type of debauchery I'm in the mood for. I can feel how hard he's already getting just by pressing my butt into him. He doesn't resist as I insert my hand down in his pants and grab his length. I glance around to make sure no one is looking, but just the thought of getting caught arouses me even more. It's all for me, even his body yearns for my touch. My senses are heightened and all of my focus goes into pleasuring Hayden. He moans into my ear. The build up of my hand moving up and down on his cock intensifies. He grabs onto my shoulders to keep from buckling over.

"Oh fuck Rory I'm about to come!"

I slow down, wanting to tantalize him until the very end.


Behind me Hayden jerks his body in confused agony.

"What did you say?"

With my hand still around him I turn around. I look right into his eyes and tell him what I want.

"Beg for me to make you come."

He chokes on what I can only assume is his own saliva. I can tell that he's shocked at my boldness, but I know it's making him even more horny than usual.

"Umm please can I come?"


"Please Rory, I need to come now!"

Excitement drips from my pores like sweat. I'm in control this time. I return to quickly groping him and in less than a minute I have him exploding in his pants right as the crowd erupts in applause for the performance. I laugh to myself at the irony of it all. Hayden takes a few steps away from me to adjust himself.

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