❀Chapter Eighteen❀

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I can't believe I just rode on a motorcycle!! My mind is still reeling from the experience. I thought I would be more scared but as we took off down the winding roads of the Iowa countryside, I felt a new level of calm. There was no fear. Just him and I taking flight on the back of the motorcycle. Once we pulled back into the dealership Hayden helped me ease off the bike. The ground felt continued to move beneath my feet and I reached out for Hayden's arm to steady me while I adjusted. When I look up into his face I see pure joy in his smile. I know that we both share this unique experience of freedom together. A new part of me melts when I see that dimple form on his chiseled face, I don't think I've ever seen him as happy as he is at this moment.

I decide tolet him drive my car after he gives the bike back ot Justin. While I'm sitting in the passenger seat I'm able to soak in the new high I've gotten from my life. My parents would never in a million years allow me to get on a motorcycle and now I see why. This feeling of liberation is almost more intoxicating than alcohol. They don't want me to get distracted. Most of all they don't want me to fail at all their plans that they've so carefully laid out for my future. But I'm beginning to realize that their goals and my goals are no longer the same. I need to live my life and no longer just be a spectator to it.

I lean my head against his shoulder. I'm completely content to just be with him and expect nothing more. He switches on the radio and we drive the rest of the distance to his apartment listening to Halsey singing.

"Cross my heart, hope to die. To my lover, I'd never lie. He said "be true," I swear I'll try. In the end, it's him and I. He's out his head, I'm out my mind. We got that love, the crazy kind. I am his, and he is mine. In the end, it's him and I."

We barely make it through the door of his apartment before his mouth is kissing mine and my hands are tugging at his shirt. We crave each other's touch and there's no amount of clothing that will stand in my way. I'm just as hungry for him and he is for me. His shirt is off and now I'm going for the belt buckle when he scoops me up in his arms.


He twirls me around the living room and I'm completely at the mercy of his devotion for me. He stops spinning and we both land on the couch with me on top of his lap. My hands intertwine in his. I roughly pin him to the couch and kiss him with a passion that I didn't know I was capable of. There's no one else for me. Now all I have is him.

"Look at my little dominatrix."

"Oh-oh I don't know about that.'

I lose some of my gusto and nervously slide off to sit next to him. But instead of letting me back down, he grabs my thighs, using his strong grip to pull me back onto him. He reaches under the couch cushion next to us and yanks out a thick hemp rope. Does he hide sex toys all over his apartment?

"Tie me up."

I do as he commands. I remember how this goes but I'm not used to being on the opposite end of the restraints. Now I'm in control. With his hands bound by the rope I make him stand so I can strip him of the rest of his clothes. He's standing in his living room completely naked, vulnerable, and all mine to play with. My confidence is growing and I realize that this might have been his intention the whole time. How can I do something that will shock the man who's full of surprises?

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a chair. Bringing it back to him I point and tell him to sit. I can tell the metal is cold against his skin because his butt and thighs clench up, but he listens obediently. I disappear into his room for a few minutes to come back in with only my bra and underwear on. He's trying to play it cool but I see the shock in his eyes when I blast "Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard over his stereo.

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