chapter 1 tw: rape/guns !!

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y/n pov-

I was walking home from work. I worked at a bookstore. One of those bookstores that have a Starbucks and a Gamestop in it. It was really far from my house, but I mean at least I can drink Starbucks refreshers on my shift. I don't have a car either. I know right, its kind of sad. But i'm doing horrible with money and that's exactly why I'm working here until i continue my studies in August. I was just about to text my roomie to pick me up, when my phone died. "What the heck?? I swear it was at like 90 when I started my shift-" I exclaimed. "Well I guess I can just walk myself home..." I sigh. I started walking home when it slightly started sprinkling on me. "Great, can the night get any worse???"I whispered under my breath. I hear a few gunshots fire. They echoed in my head. "I stand corrected." I say with a frown on my face. I went to sit on a bench because I was feeling tired and needed a little break. I heard guys talking. Maybe around five or six of them. They were to my left in a alley. I'm always that type of girl to not get scared of anything, so I just let them be them. Until I heard one of them say, "Woah look at that babe over there." I felt my heart drop. I frantically looked over left and to my right and to my front and back. Yet I saw no other females or in fact anyone at all. I reassured myself saying silently in my mind that maybe they mean no harm? Then I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to me. Lots and lots of footsteps. My breathing started getting jagged and I felt my heart stop. I closed my eyes I hoped this was a dream or maybe I'm imagining it. Then I didn't hear any footsteps anymore. I sighed out of relief and even laughed a bit. I opened my eyes just a bit and my heart dropped. Six men were right in front of me. I froze. I didn't even blink. I didn't have time to process anything, or even think at all. The last thing I thought was, "Its over for me. Isn't it?". There was one man. He just looked like the so called leader of all of them. Maybe even the one who pointed me out. He had blonde hair and glasses. The glasses were black so I couldn't see his eyes. He had a diamond tooth and he had one of those gold necklaces. He was wearing a all black outfit. His hair was in a mullet. Then i looked a little bit over to the side and saw a gun. I had never been more terrified in my life. Then he spoke. "So what is a beautiful lady like yourself doing here all alone...In the pitch dark?" The words "pitch dark" echoed in my brain. I tried to speak but i was at a loss of words and ended up just staring at him with my mouth open. Another guy he had a black bowl cut and his eyes were the color brown. He was wearing a shirt that said "normal people scare me" with some black jeans and a white handkerchief in his pocket. He dragged me into a position to where im standing up. He looked at me for a total of 5 seconds. I thought maybe he would show me mercy, but boy was I far from wrong. He kicked me in my stomach I wheezed in pain and rolled onto the floor. "YOU DUMBASS OUR LEADER WAS ASKING YOU SOMETHING, ANSWER BACK. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I started to bawl a bit. "I-I'm sorry". He glared at me. The so called leader opened his mouth again. "So I'll ask again. Whats a pretty lil lady like yourself doing here in the night time?". I opened up my mouth and by my surprise words actually came out. "Well I was just getting off my shift at my um job and I was about to call my ride when my phone died. So you see I had to walk back to my apartment and I got a little bit lost. I swear I don't mean any harm!" All the guys looked at me. They all laughed. I was so confused. Did I say something wrong? The blonde guy started talking again. "Well princess that excuse isn't gonna save you. This is where our gang roams you can't just walk up on it like you own it." I thought for a second. Gang? I started hyperventilating. How did I get lost and now I have trouble with a gang? "I didn't know you guys were in a gang...I can just leave right now and I'll be on my way I swear I didn't know and I'll just-" I tried to say before the same guy with the bowl cut interrupted me. "You see darlin I cant just let you get away with this. You'll just have to repay us for this lil' visit." My heart stoppedg for a second. Repay?? Oh no that doesn't mean what I think it does, does it? My thoughts were interrupted by all the guys slowly walking up to me. The leader opened up his mouth once again. "I'll lay the first hand on OUR little princess" I literally thought I shit my pants. He called me his? I was terrified for what these men were going to do to me. He slowly put his hand on my shirt and tried to throw it off me. I quickly took my legs and made them useful and kicked him. I thought I did something, really, but all the members of this so called 'gang' looked beyond pissed at me. I thought "shit I just made this worse didn't I?". "Oh you're gonna pay for that you little-" The blonde leader was about to say when I saw a man with a motorcycle go up to him and punch him in the face. I was shocked. Am I saved? He had a blonde bob and blue eyes. He was wearing a all black outfit with a cross slightly over his chest. All the guys looked horrified when they saw this man. Was he that intimidating. "What the hell do you guys think you're doing? Trying to take advantage of a woman." I stood there still frozen in shock from the previous events. They all ran away and apologized except for the blonde guy. The other guy with the bowl cut spoke one last time, " COME ON ROGER LETS GET GOING WE DON'T MEAN NO BUSINESS HERE." I thought. He surely didn't look like a Roger. The so called man named Roger was running over to bowl cut boy. He finally said the last words I'll hear from him tonight. "Mello you'll pay for this. You too princess." He left with him. I slowly looked up at the man he called "Mello". I opened my mouth to try to thank him but he looked at me in a cold way and said "You're welcome don't come to this street alone again. I won't be here to protect you next time and you'll probably never see daylight again with this idiotic behavior." I softly said "I got it." I smiled sweetly but lets just say he didn't return to smile. He was about to go back to his motorcycle when I yelled, "Wait... Mello!" I didn't even know I said that it just slipped out like I didn't want to lose him. He turned his head back slowly with his helmet in his hand. "What?" I looked down embarrassed but slowly lifted my head up. "Will I ever see you again?" He looked at me weirdly like he didn't know why I would want to see him ever again. "Can I treat you to coffee or ice cream or something it's the least I can do after saving me." He looked at me and just plainly said. "You don't need to it's no probl-". "I insist." I spoke. He smiled softly like literally I could barely see it. "Okay." I smiled and he wrote something on a piece of paper and left it on the sidewalk and drove off. I watched him until I couldn't see the light of this motorcycle anymore. I picked up the paper and it said:

"My number (:"


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