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Midterms were an absolute nightmare, in Circe's opinion. While she did believe that she did good on them, there was still the anxiety of failing and not being able to continue in the classes that she had. Steve used to laugh about her testing anxiety, but Bucky would hit upside the head and remind him of his own. Luckily, her testing anxiety forced her to study harder and in turn earned her high grades. She was hoping for at least all Excellent for her classes, but Outstanding would be wonderful.

The parchment for those going home was pinned to everyone's common room board, and Circe quickly signed her name before finals so she wouldn't forget. She'd already had the clear from Ignatius to use a few galleons for Christmas presents, and he'd asked her about her diagnostic results. She answered every question, as it felt bad to lie to her technical family, and he took the news well. He and Lucretia were both happy that she was alright now, and Lucretia had asked her to say hello to her little cousin for her.

Walking up to Walburga in the middle of breakfast, right before the train ride to King's Cross, was a little nerve-wracking. Circe didn't like lying, so just saying she was going to pass word from Lucretia to Walburga just didn't feel right. So, she walked right up to her cousin, who didn't know they were cousins, and handed her the letter with a small smile.

"Your cousin said to say hello," she says quietly, not liking the attention from her group, and after a second of Walburga frowning at the letter, she leaves to collect her things. She'd gone to Hogsmeade for Steve's present, as Zonko's was probably the best place to go, and since she probably wouldn't have enough time to go to Diagon.

Circe changed her clothes, slipping on one of Bucky's old sweaters that both she and Steve have gotten stains on. She shrunk her trunk, tying it with one of her rubber bands and setting it into her bag. Pulling her jeans up higher on her waist, and tying up her tennis shoes, she grabs her bag and slings it over her shoulder, pulling out one of her books and sitting in the common room to wait.

One hour later, she was on the train and sitting in one of the compartments by herself, like usual. She bought a few candies from the trolley, as well as bribed the elves for some healthy foods before she left. With a quill in hand, she was drawing her favorite view of the Black Lake for Bucky, who'd asked for something simple.

A knock on the door made her jump, and she looked up to see Walburga standing before her, one eyebrow raised. Her friends weren't with her, so she looked a little less intimidating.

"Yes?" Circe asked, confused by her appearance. Walburga huffed, stepping in and closing the door, sitting across from her elegantly.

"So, we're family, hmm?" She asked, and Circe nodded.

"Cousins," she confirmed, and Walburga hummed.

"You're less of mudblood filth than I originally thought."

"Uh, thanks?"

Walburga chuckled, uncrossing her ankles. "Then, I suppose we should become friends for Lucretia's sake? She rather likes you."

Circe gulped, nodding. "Yeah, I suppose she does. What are your friends going to say, your family, when they find out you are friends with a blood traitor?"

"Well, we just won't tell them, will we? Not all blood traitors are so bad," she returns, freezing as she realizes the words she just said. Circe breaks into laughter, muffling it with her hand as Walburga glares at her.

"If you tell anyone I said that, Merlin, help me—"

"S-scout's honor," Circe giggled, giving a mock salute, and Walburga tilted her head.

"What's a scout?"

"Oh," Circe said, understanding her confusion. "It's a muggle thing, don't worry about it."

A glint appeared in Walburga's eyes, and she leaned forward a little, almost as if to avoid the non-existent ears listening in on their conversation.

"What are muggles like?" She asks. "It's just a question of course, they're all filth, I know that."

Circe shook her head, a small smile on her lips. "Muggles work kind of like we do, I guess. There are good muggles, and there are bad. I've had my fair share of both. They are smart, though. Just thirty years ago a pair of muggle brothers invented airplanes."

"What are airplanes?"

Circe frowned, trying to find the best way to explain. "They're a method of transportation. We have apparition, they have cars. We have the Floo Network, they have airplanes. We have healing potions, they have vaccines. There is a parallel with almost everything between us."

"Wow," her cousin remarks, before clearing her throat. "I mean, that's nice and all, but they're still worthless."

"I'm sure you'll meet some muggles in the future that will change your mind," Circe smiles, and Walburga relaxes a little.

"I'm almost thankful you aren't pureblood, cousin," she says offhandedly, and Circe tilts her head. "My friends are only my friends for my status and money, I'm hoping that it won't be the same with you."

Circe shakes her head. "Of course not, money isn't everything. I've lived my whole life being poor, I've seen what wealth does to people. The only person I really need is my brother, and the only things I need are the bare necessities. Sure, I'll ask Ignatius for some money for presents and school supplies, but other than that I don't splurge."

Walburga's eyes are wide in horror. "So, you've never bought something because you liked it?"

Circe shook her head. "When I was younger, any money I could find would go to my mom's hospital bills. Then, when she died, I didn't need money for anything besides school, and Ignatius told me he would pay for it. My brother has worked odd jobs to keep our apartment, but we've never been fully financially stable."

"You are so open about this," she comments, and Circe shrugs.

"I don't have anything to hide, and if this works out, you'd literally be my first friend, so..." Circe says, trailing off and looking to the side so she wouldn't have to see the pitying look in her cousin's eyes.

"Oh, you poor thing! It's official, I'm adopting you and ditching my other friends."

Circe swings her head over, shock written clearly all over her face. "You can't be serious! You could potentially hurt alliances, and I don't want to be the reason for that."

Walburga waved her off, her perfectly manicured nails resting on her knee afterward. "Oh, they don't have enough money anyway. Their statuses are deteriorating quite quickly, so I don't think we'd be friends for much longer. Calanthe is really the only real friend I've ever had, and it's just because her attitude makes me laugh."

Circe snorts, remembering the colorful insults that Calanthe has projected at her in their dorms. "Her insults make me laugh too. They're so creative."

Walburga nods with a smile, holding her hand out. "So, friends?"

Circe nods, setting her hand in her cousin's. "Friends."

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