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Circe groaned, trying to swat away the finger poking at her cheek. Whomever it was was very adamant on getting her up. She pulled her covers higher on her shoulders, muttering unintelligible words as she twisted on her bed, her legs straddling her pillow as she gripped the top of it comfortably.

"Aw, she's so cute," someone cooed, making Circe's eyebrows scrunch.

"Leave me alone," she said groggily, a sleepy pout on her face as she tried to return to her dream.

"Wake up, my love."

She didn't, but she turned over and pulled Tom into the bed with her, cuddling him like she was her pillow, which now lay forgotten beside her. The other giggled at his predicament, but Tom didn't look the least bit phased, and he wrapped his arm around her, the other propping his head up.

"Come on, Circe!" Walburga moaned. "You promised us a swim in the lake!"

"It's too early," she said, snuggling into her boyfriend's neck, making him chuckle.

"The time is half-past noon, dearest," he whispered into her ear, making her blink her eyes open after a scrunch.

"That's too bad," she muttered sarcastically.

"You all go on ahead, I'll get her up," Tom instructed and after a minute, they left. Circe moved, laying on top of him and tangling their legs together, obviously interested in nothing more than cuddling. "Dearest, you promised."

She groaned against his neck. "I just wanna sleep," she whined.

"I'll cuddle with you tonight, hm?" He offered, and she raised her head, her eyes weary and hair in desperate need of a brush.

"You promise?" She asked cutely, and Tom smiled, running a hand through her hair.

"I do, darling."

Circe smiled, running a hand through her hair as she sat up. She looked down at her boyfriend, his relaxed posture with her on top of him making her feel giddy. She leaned down to kiss him softly, and both smiled into the action. She moves off him after a few seconds, rummaging through her trunk for the bikini that Walburga had bought her, and some other clothes to wear on top.

"I'll be out in a moment," she said over her shoulder, changing in the bathroom and going about her usual morning routine. She comes back out in one of her brother's shirts and some shorts, her bikini straps visible because of the cut of the neckline.

"I'm ready," she said, tying her hair up as she slipped on her shoes. Tom nods, grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers as they walked to the lake.

One thing that Circe had noticed about Tom was that he was clingy. He needed to physically touch her as much as he could, but he wouldn't say anything about it. Circe didn't mind, and she could understand why, so she let him; besides, she needed the comfort too. He was also insanely protective, though he would step back and protect from the sidelines if he could see that she had the situation covered.

Passing through the common room, she found Slughorn doing spell work. His proposal for the gender-neutral rooms had been passed by the Board, and now all Heads were to spend as much free time as they could coaxing Hogwarts' magic to shape more rooms. Circe had asked her about it, and the castle had been all aboard.

Walking through the halls, the couple passed quite a few people, most of them also on their way to spend the hot day at the lake. It was a Saturday, so there wasn't much to do anyhow, and Dippet had cleared it, and had staff monitoring the lake.

Tom leaned over to whisper something in her ear as they passed Dumbledore, who was just waltzing through the halls and flaunting his privilege. He glances at the pair, obviously uncomfortable with their affection.

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