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The day finally came.

Circe was surrounded by her friends, Steve just behind her waiting on her goodbyes. They were going back on the bond tour, travelling around to convince people to invest in their military while wearing sparkly suits with pretty half-naked women dancing around them. She felt tears in her eyes as the weight of their goodbyes hit her. She could barely hear what they were saying, the words meshing together into nothing but unintelligible jargon.

"I love you guys," Circe admitted to them suddenly, relishing in Tom's hand squeezing where it rested on her waist, halting whatever conversation they were having, the tears falling as she smiled. "You all were the best thing that ever happened to me."

They looked at her sadly for a few seconds, and Walburga attacked her in a hug, Orion joining in and eventually causing a group hug. Once they all let go, Circe reached up to unhook one of her mother's earrings and unclasp her necklace, pulling out a few pictures of them together.

She cleared her throat, handing the necklace to Walburga and the earring to Tom, and the pictures to all of them. "I want you all to have token from me, just in case."

Walburga pressed a hand to her mouth, shutting her eyes tightly as she tried to keep her tears in. Orion pulled her into him, hiding her face from view while she worked to compose herself. Tom turned her so he could kiss her passionately, conveying what he couldn't say. Circe poured as much of her feelings as she could into the kiss, leaving Tom breathless when he pulled away.

"We love you too, Circe," Abraxas said, pulling the girls from their men. Tom let her go so she could hug the blonde, squeezing onto one of her best friends before she left for her death. Circe wiped her tears as she pulled away, and looked down as Abraxas held up a Malfoy ring. "I want you to have this. Let it be a symbol of the family we created during our last semester."

Circe accepted it before crushing him into another hug, kissing him on his cheek as she left his embrace. Tom, Walburga and Orion all had similar gifts, rings to match the one that lay on her necklace chain. It was her mother's wedding ring, and now it wouldn't be the only reminder that lay just above her heart.

Walburga's ring was a courting gift that Orion had bought for her, jeweled with dark stones with an engraving on the bottom with their family name. Orion's was one just like Abraxas', and honorary ring worn by trusted outsiders of the family. And finally, Tom's was a large black stone with the same symbol she wore on her neck with a gold banding. Circe felt a considerable amount of magic flowing from it, and she thanked each of them with affection and loving words.

"Hey, witch?" Steve's voice echoed from behind them, and Circe frowned, knowing that her time was up with her friends.

"I'll write you all, alright? I'll tell you all about everything," she said, tears welling in her eyes again.

"You better," scolded a tearful Walburga, who crushed her into another embrace, holding her tightly, fearful for the future.

She looked at Tom, biting her lip to keep from an emotional breakdown. He looked at her with just as much feeling, and she stepped into his awaiting arms without a thought. She met his eyes, and his hand came up to cradle her cheek as he pressed one last kiss to her lips. It was gentle and tender, a longing for what could have been.

"I'm sorry that I can't be by your side," she says to him, sorrow in her eyes. "I want nothing more than to be yours, but it seems that fate is against us."

"You will always have a home with me, Circe," he said with conviction, "nothing will ever change that. When...when this blows over, your place beside me is waiting for you."

Circe hated the idea of a promise she couldn't keep, but she knew that they both needed some semblance of hope to cling to. "I'll be there."

"That's all I ask, my Queen."

She looked into his eyes for just a little while longer, comforted by the warmth that he held only for her and their friends. She steps back from him, giving all of her friends and boyfriend the biggest smile she could muster.

"I'll see you all later?" she asked, trying to hide the strain it took to talk and not cry. They all agreed with her, and Walburga hassled her about being ready for her wedding when it eventually came about. Circe gave in to her demands about shopping and partying right before the big day, as she'd still be a 'free woman' then.

Steve called out to her again, and Circe gave her friends one last 'until then' before Circe took his arm in hers and apparated away to the second war to end all wars that Circe knew would be her end. 

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