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Circe sat on her bed, staring at her cousin with a blank look, completely unamused by her actions. Walburga was trying to get her to wear makeup, and Calanthe was arguing that she needed to see how amazing she looked without makeup. She'd only planned on putting on foundation, to hide the hideous scar on her face, but Calanthe told her it made her look powerful as soon as she woke up, making her small appreciation for the blemish skyrocket.

"I'm not wearing makeup, 'Burga," Circe said, rubbing at her eyes. "It takes too much time."

Walburga pouted, upset about missing her opportunity to doll her up. "Fine! But only if you let me put some on you for Hogsmeade weekends!"

"That's fine," Circe sighed, just wanting breakfast to be over with so Slughorn would inevitably quiz them later that day. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah, let's go," Calanthe said, nodding. Walburga rushed to put on her uniform, swiping on mascara and lip gloss before joining them, scrunching up her curly hair as they walked down the stairs and continuing her usual gossiping rant.

"—which caused her to get pregnant! She was almost disowned from her family, but his father conjured up some half-arsed marriage contract that gave them a whole bunch of money, and now they live comfortably in New Zealand. But, here's the kicker, one of her friends told my mother's friend's friend that she was sleeping with the muggle next door to them, and that her husband was sleeping with her husband! My mom told me that they're thinking of becoming a polyamorous group, which isn't weird at all, but it's weird how they found the remaining members through adultery," she explained, taking one large breath, and grinning at her friends.

"Wow, that is amazing," Calanthe said, shaking her head. "I can't believe you said that all in one breath."

Walburga flips her hair over her shoulder, striking a pose. "I'm just talented, darling."

Circe laughs, shaking her head as they enter the common room where the court was waiting. Riddle turned his head at the sound, standing as he approached them, tucking his book under his arm. He ran a hand through his hair, making Circe gulp slightly, and he gave her a charming smile.

"Good morning, my Queen," he purrs, making her flush. "Shall we?"

She nods, looping her arm through his outstretched one. "We shall, my King."

He was incredibly warm, Circe noticed, and the way his fingers brushed hers as they walked? It was almost enough to make her stumble. Her most heightened sense from the experiment was her sense of touch, just as Steve's was his sense of sight. Every time someone touched her, her body lit up in flames, whether it be platonic or romantic.

The Slytherin's in the halls separated for them, bowing their heads as the two passed. In the Great Hall, there was another chair, almost identical to Riddle's just beside him. Circe thought it would be better if the Queen sat on the other side, next to the first years, but that was something she'd have to bring up later.

Riddle pulled out her seat for her, earning him a smile, before he sat down himself, inviting the rest of the house to join them. Everyone waited for Riddle to begin before they did, and the chatter started up soon after that. Walburga was appointed to her administrator and was therefore positioned next to her on the table. Calanthe was seated a few spaces down, hissing at the person next to her as she piled food on her plate.

Calanthe turned, and grinned when she saw Circe looking at her. She cups her mouth, screaming, "I think you're really pretty, my Queen!"

Circe blushes instantly, ducking her head as the Great Hall turns to stare at her. Riddle chuckles, patting her hand lightly. Walburga, who was giggling maniacally next to her, nudged her side.

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