2. Audacity

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Song Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran

"Haven't you heard? I'm the crazy bitch around here."- Blair Waldorf Gossip Girl.


"Helix did you find the restroom?" I hear a feminine voice call out. 

"Fuck Lisa," The guy in the restroom  with me exclaims quickly shutting the door. 

Lisa? My face goes from relief at finding out he knew Lisa to horror that he knew Lisa as I hear a raucous of other voices follow Lisa's voice.

"What are you..." I shut up as he places his finger over his lips with one hand,.

"Except you'd like them to know what I'm in here with you, naked, then I can open it," He says a smirk appearing at the word naked. "Your choice," he says his hand on the door handle.

"Dude you're acting like your apartment is some maze, where he'd get lost," A male voice behind the door says and I assume to Lisa.

 I glance at the towel slightly away from me. I wanted to reach for it but was scared my full naked body would be revealed.  He walks over causing me to shift uncomfortably, what was he trying to do? He reaches close to me and pause smirking.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Sorry hun, you body isn't my type," He says making me tempted to release my hands from covering my boobs to instead cover his face with a slap. 

I relent as he leans to the ground and grabs the towel, proceeding to throw it over me. The action shocks me so much I momentarily forget my previous urge to slap him and gratefully wrap the towel around me. 

The sound of banging on the door causers me to jump in fright.

"What's up?" Helix replies as I get up from the ground and move away from him leaning against the sink counter.

"Change of plans, we decided to chill here instead," I hear a voice call out.

"Got it," Helix replies. My hold on the towel wrapped around me tightens. What does he mean by got it? How are we supposed to get out?   I had unfortunately left my room door open so I couldn't just sneak in through the connecting door. If they were in the living room, they'd for sure see me coming out of the same restroom Helix was in.  

"Why didn't you tell him no?" I whisper frustrated. He'd ruined my only hope of an exit. Surely he wasn't planning on having me stay here through out his friends being over now did he? Cos he could totally go out, but I couldn't!

"You do realize this isn't my place right?" He responds sounding like I had asked a stupid question. Which in turn made me peeved. 

"This place is actually super small," Another voice seeps in, exhaling I lean against the ledge.

"You only say that cos you live in a mansion,"

"You say that like you don't,"

"Good point," 

Laughter follows. 

"Lisa, have you met your new roommate?" I hear another male voice with what seemed to be a French accent ask. "I have a new roommate?" I hear the voice that I assumed to be Lisa reply. What follows is laughter.

"Well, the room looks different from when the little rat had it," A male with a French accent says. I wasn't sure if it was the same person.

Little Rat? I wonder if they were referring to the girl who was Lisa's roommate prior to me.

"And you know this because?" A feminine voice with a British accent asks.

"I do not kiss and tell,"

"Fool, that what you just did,"


"Idiots," I mouth shaking my head as I get up.

"Says the one who left the door wide open while taking a shower," Helix snarkily replies causing me to glare at him. I was mad, mad he didn't send them away, mad he'd seen me at such a vulnerable state, mad he had that smirk on his face but most of all mad that he was right. I did not want to be found naked in the shower with him by his friends. The rumors that would spread...I feel a cold air creep down my spine and hold onto the towel wrapping it around me. 

"I didn't know you were coming," I reply.

"That makes you even more stupid considering you have a roommate. What, did you expect her to never return?" Helix states causing my blood to boil. He was right but he didn't need to say it. My pointer finger picks at my nail bud.

"Helix, did you say something?" A voice says knocking on the door.

"I'm on the phone," The Helix shouts back in reply.

"Ah...was wondering why it seemed I was hearing two voices,"

"Did you think he was in there with someone? Who?"

"Who else has access to this place?"

"Wait her new roommate?"

"Woah... no way!"

"You say that like Helix wouldn't totally succeed. Heck I'd bet 20,000 he bangs your new roommate,"

"50,0000 he does it in a month,"

"70,000 he doesn't she's a Christian,"

"And so? Christian's have sex, I'm in,"

"Christians have sex, but if my suspicion is right this roommate is Hestia Raymond,"

"Who's that?" A male voice asks.

"And how do you know her?" A feminine voice interjects.

"We were in the same psychology class last semester. Let's just say she's a special kind of crazy,"

"Why does he seem interested,"

"For real, wait did you try to bang her and she refused?

Laughter ensures.

"Bang her, me? I'd like to see the guy that succeeds in banging Hestia Raymond's, Heck I'd pay 400 grand if he succeeds,"

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I say walking forward

Pushing Helix aside I pull the door connecting to my room open revealing unfamiliar faces and gasps.

"It's the audacity for me. Have you no dignity or shame?" I ask furious.

"I mean, I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that you are in my room without my permission, making bets on who I'd sleep with or the fact that you're insane enough to think I'd sleep with one of you filthy bustards," I reply thoroughly disgusted and fuming mad.


Hi again! lol 

What do you think happens next? lol don't forget to vote :)

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