20. Save Me

872 75 3

Song: Save Me - BTS 

Gossip girl: We hear Baccarat just updated its menu.
Louis: I thought it was fate. But I guess not.
Blair: No no no! It is fate. It's just...
Louis: Good evening, Blair.
Gossip girl: The gateau du jour? Is now humble pie.
Bon appetit, Blair. 


"Hestia!" I hear my name called as I arrive at the front of F.B. Hill. Looking over I notice Sophie waving at me a huge smile on her face. Smiling back I walk over to her and say hello to the people around her. They were not the folks in our group. Meaning she either knew them previously or just made new friends.

"We just met," she says as if reading my mind and goes ahead to introduce me to them. I was thankful for the introduction while in awe at how easy it was for her to make new friends.

As we step in I look around the bus and realize Helix isn't on. Was he not coming?

I walk over to a seat and turn to ask Sophie if she prepared the one next to the window. However I notice she walks over to the left side and takes a seat placing her bag on the other chair.

I try my best to hide my disappointment and take the seat next to the window by her right. As I wonder why she was not sitting next to me. I get my answer not even a second later as I hear her call out.

"Helix, here!" I hear Sophie call and quickly look up.

I am met with the sight of Helix standing by the door. My heart skips a beat. He was handsome. He was wearing black pants with a chain linked to the pocket and a white shirt his right hand in his right pocket. His bag pack strapped across his left arm.

He glances at her and then at me. He smirks and walks over. I hold my breath. Was he going to seat with me? My shoulders straighten tensed as I try to look anywhere, but at him.

"Hey Hestia," I hear him say and look up. He was smiling down at me. I smile back,

"Hi," I reply.

"You look good in red," he says

"Thank you," I say my smile widening.

He turns and seats next to Sophie and I feel my heart drop.

"How was your night?" Sophie says wrapping her arms around his.

"Great," he says smiling at her, as he'd smiled at me.

I quickly turn and look out the window. Why didn't he seat next to me? Why compliment my clothing if he was not planning on sitting next to me? Better yet why kiss me if he was not planning on sitting next to me?

I hear Sophie giggle and try my best not to look over, instead looking outside the window. Was the kiss nothing to him? Had I become another one of the girls? What else did you expect Hestia? Like Jen said, he doesn't do girlfriends. That's not going to change because he kissed you or told you how good you look in red. I suddenly wanted to take off the red top and throw it away. Instead I turn and look out the window.

"Is this seat taken?" I hear a voice call out, but don't look up not thinking I'm the recipient of the question.

"Hestia," I hear Helix call my name and quickly turn. My eyes meet his and notice Kravitz standing next to the seat. "Is this seat taken?" Kravitz repeats.

"No, feel free," I say to which he smiles and takes the seat.

I turn to look at Helix to see if he was bothered. Any iota of hope I may have had dies as I see him whispering something in Sophie's ears who chuckles. Paying absolutely no attention to me.

I lean back and shut my eyes.

After a while the bus starts moving and I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sight of Helix leaned in towards me. I quickly lean back and frown.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask taken aback.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He asks raising his brow.

That's when I realize Kravitz was not beside me and neither were the folks in front of me.

"We've arrived, but you fell asleep, I was waking you up," He explains.

"Oh," I say my shoulders relaxing.

"Oh?" He says smirking.

"What did you think I was doing?" He asks his voice lower and deeper.

What I don't want to happen, should I not get up right now. I gently push him back and get up.

I grab my bag and he grabs his.

"You chose a bad seat mate," He says. I turn and glance at him confused.

"What sort of seat mate lets their partner sleep when they've gotten to their destination?"

"He probably didn't want to bug me,"

"Yet he abandoned you, I'd never,"

"Says the person who abandoned me for a seat with Sophie," I say and mentally slap myself. I never meant to say that out loud, EVER!

"Did that upset you?"

"No!" I exclaim and realize how that would only make him think otherwise.

"No," I repeat more calmly and quickly attempt to snake out of there.

"Cos you never asked," he says causing me to pause.

"What?" I say turning to face him.

"You never asked me to seat with you. I even said hi, and that I loved your red top," he said.

"And that's supposed to make me know you want to seat with me? What, am I a mind reader?" I say and pause in realization of the double-edgedness of my words. He wasn't a mind reader either.

I sigh and look at him.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask to which he grins and grabs his back. "Right behind you," he says as I smile and walk out, with him following right behind me.

As soon as we get down I realize we are at the beach. Before I have a chance to react, we hear screams and turn around. To our far left deep in the water was a person who seemed to be drowning. I gasp in shock as I notice two guys dive into the water swimming towards the individual. They were far from the individual. Where they going to make it? I place my hands over my heart in freight and worry praying they make it.

At that moment a wave comes over and seems to swallow up the individual who was drowning causing me to gasp. As folks all around start screaming and

"Noisy, it's too noisy," I hear Helix say and turn around shocked at his appearance. He was pale and groggy.

"Helix, are you okay?" I ask taking a step forward with my hand outstretched to hold onto him. However, he crouches before I can hold him and places his hands over his ears. I reach out to him, and he pushes my hands away getting up. With an unsteady step almost falling as he mumbles incoherent words with unsteady steps before falling into my arms and losing consciousness. As I scream out his name. 


Helix: Objection! Your honor-the author, I'd like to declare that this prosecutor is being quite unfair. Why am I being called a flirt and playboy when I was not even asked to seat next to her when I gave her numerous signs? Am I a mind reader?

Author: Sustained! 

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