17. A ride

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"Nate can't wait to see you. Trust me, it's like riding a very cute bike." -Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

Song: Billionaire - Travis McCoy ft Brun Mars


"Hestia!" I hear my name called and slightly jump back in fright to the sight of a sharp-eyed Steven.

"The nuisance is back, I'm out," Helix says winking as he gets up and leaves us behind. Once he leaves, I wonder how to explain the situation to Steven, but he doesn't ask much to my relief. We spend the rest of the day with him teaching me the ropes and catching up on how we've been.

At the end of my shift Steven offers me a ride but one of the CNA's for the night shift calls off and he has to stay back for the night shift. Looking at the bus schedule I realize I had missed the last bus that comes to the hospital. Clocking out on the first floor, I walk out and take out my phone to order an uber and pause checking my bank account.

Account balance: $25.00

Sighing I go to my contacts and dial Blair.

"Hey do you have money?"

"Wait, shouldn't that be my line?" She replies to which I smile.

"I'm at work but only have 25bucks if I use it I'm worried I won't have money incase of emergencies before my pay,"

"Hestia, I hate to be that person, but I doubt 25 could do anything for you in an actual emergency," She replies.

"Why thank you," I say rolling my eyes to which she chuckles.

"Speaking of, I met Steven today,"


"Steven Ritch, you had a crush on him in high school remember?"

"That was before I met Jimin, I don't recall," She says to which I laugh out loud. Ever since she fell in love with BTS other dudes had been non-existent.

"Have you called Luther?" Blair asks.

"I don't want to bug him," I always reached out to him for help and truly didn't want to except it truly was an emergency.

"Or your friends? Surely you have friends, right?" Blair asks sounding slightly concerned. I had acquaintances, not friends. I found it hard to fully trust people or attach to folks, due to the fear of betrayal.

I sigh. Not wanting to make her more worried, I reply I did and would call them after which we disconnect. Who could I call for help? Scrolling through my list my eyes linger on Lisa's name. Would she help? What if she says no? Then she said no Hestia, at least then you'd know for sure. If you don't ask you'd never know. Plus she seemed really nice the last time you met. Deciding I dial her number and it rings twice while i fret on whether to stay or cut the call. If she doesn't answer on the third ring, I'll disconnect I decide.

It rings a third time and I move to cut the call when I hear the sound of it being answered. 

"Hey Roomie!" Lisa calls out sounding like she was in a good mood. Great!

"Hey Lisa," I reply smiling.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Erm," I pause having wanted to start with pleasantries, not having expected the blunt question.

"So..I was wondering if I could ask for a favor," I say hesitantly.

"Ooh this sounds interesting, what's up?" She says her interest piqued.

"I'm stuck at work and broke. I need a ride back to the dorms. Are you able to give me a ride if you're nearby?" I ask and pick at my thumb bed with my finger. 

"Where are you?"

"At the employee entrance of Kard hospital on 13th," I reply.

"Oh Kard, let's see...can I call you back?" She asks. Did she not want to give me a ride? My smile falters. This was why I hated asking folks for favors, I hated rejections. All it did was leave me with regrets.

"Sure," I say saddened. Hestia you're not her friend what did you expect? I click on google map and enter my school address to see how far it is to walk from the hospital. An hour. My shoulders droop as I shut and open my eyes thinking whether to just get the Uber.

In the middle of my thoughts my phone rings. Looking up I notice it's Lisa, wait, she really called back? My mood immediately brightens up with renewed hope as I answer.

"Hello," I say.

"I found you a ride, should be at the employee entrance in about five minutes," she says.

"Oh my goodness, Lisa thank you!" I say almost crying form joy.

She chuckles. "You'd think I just got you a million-dollar lottery," she says to which I chuckle once more expressing my thanks.

"No need to thank me, I had ulterior motives. We're missing one person here. How about you join us as a thank you?" She asks to which I pause. I should have known it was too good to be true...Yet I didn't want to walk an hour back in this cool weather. I also didn't have any other commitments.

"What are you doing?" I ask remembering how last time it was horse riding, leading to my getting riding clothes for free and wondering what they were up to  today.

"What do you think we are doing?" She says teasing.

"Sailing a ship? Bidding on art? Who knows?" I ask to which I hear loud laughter.

"Goodness you're so hilarious Hestia, I absolutely adore you," A voice that sounded like Naz' says.

"Naz?" I ask unsure as we'd only met once. 

"The one and only. We haven't seen you in a bit, do come by," He says to which I smile.

"Okay," I say relaxing. 

"Nice!" He exclaims. "That'd be 200," I hear him say.

"I hate you," I hear Lisa reply and the sound of something being smacked.

"See you in a bit and thanks for making me richer by 200," he says and the call ends. I stand rooted looking at the phone.

Wait did they just have a bet about whether I was coming?

At that moment I hear honking and look up. In front of me was Helix seated on a black and red motorbike. "Heard you needed a ride?"


What do you think they're doing? lol

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