16. A Chance

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"Whoever said money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop." -Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl.

Song: Take A chance on Me -Abba


After doing a couple runs for about two-hour steven and I walk to the computer where he logs in. My eye goes straight to Helix' name. He was assigned a run to return the MRI wheelchair from the Fifth floor to MRI. MRI wheelchairs were special and hence different form other wheelchairs and hence needed to be kept in the MRI room. Sometimes when patients get taken up the nurses or CNA's get too lazy to return them and assign us runs to take it back. Otherwise, if we took someone for an MRI with an MRI wheelchair, we had to return it back. They were also only four and each a different size, so they needed to always be urgently returned when used.

"He's been sitting for thirty minutes," Steven says.

"Are you sure? Maybe he's just held up by the elevator," I say as I had gotten to experience first-hand how it took a while sometimes to get a free elevator.

Steven shakes his head.

"I'd bet you my entire months' pay, he's chatting it up with a bunch of nurses somewhere," Steven says.

I tilt my head.

"Are you in?"

"No, the stakes are too much," I say shaking my head. I may not want to falsely accuse Helix, but I knew his reputation and was not willing to stake my entire pay on it. 

"Fine, 20 bucks?" Steven says.

"Cool," I say praying I don't lose it. 20 bucks could go a long way, that's worth four Venti's at Starbucks.

"Come let's go check," Steven says logging out and getting up. Now excited and no longer showing the precious anger he had. I smile happy to have at least made him smile.

"You know where he is?" I ask.

"Come on," he says not answering but leading. Shaking my head, I follow him to the fifth floor.

Once we open the main doors and enter onto the patient area we are hit with the sound of laughter. Steven looks at me and grins. My brows crease, surely it couldn't be him, right?

Steven walks right into the nurse's station, and I follow right behind him to be met with the sight of Helix Surrounded by about 5 nurses bent over, looking at something he was doing on a sheet of paper.

My heart drops a bit disappointed. I had known the stakes were higher against me, but I had held some hope that Steven would be wrong, and I'd be right. That I wouldn't lose any money. This was why I hated having hope, it always let you down.

"Shouldn't you be doing something right now? I saw you were assigned a task and have been idle for thirty minutes now," Steven says to Helix without saying his name. The nurses all look up and notice Steven, but don't reply realizing whom he was referring to.

"Your point being?" Helix asks not looking up. Surprising me at the fact that he immediately knew who was talking to him and that it was him being addressed.

"Shouldn't you be handling your tasks?" Steve patiently asks.

"Now where's the fun in that?" Helix says to which the nurses giggle. I roll my eyes, was that all they knew how to do? Also why was he being a jerk to Steve?

"If you have an issue with the task not being done, feel free to take it. I promise, I won't tell," he says and winks at Steven who glares at him but turns around and leaves.

"What would you like to join us?" Helix asks finally looking up and straight at me. How did he know I was still here? Did this dude have an eye at the back of his head? I roll my eyes and turn around to follow after Steven.

Once we walk to the Elevator Steven puts out his hand. Rolling my eye, I take out the ten in my pocket and place it in his hands.

"Wow never thought I'd say this in my life but thanks Helix. For being you," Steven says smirking to which I glance at Steven amused. Wasn't he just peeved a second ago? Money really did wonders.

As we get off the elevator on the first floor, we meet a guy who smiles in glee once he sees us.

"Steven! Josh is looking for you," The guy says to which Steven looks at me and asks if I can head back to the employee lounge and wait for him. I nod and head back into the elevator heading down. Once down, I walk into the employee lounge and take a seat pulling out my phone. Feeling hungry I walk over to the store to buy a snack.

Picking a bag of Oreo's, I walk over to the cashier to pay.

"How'd you like to pay?" She asks.

"Do you accept Apple Pay/" I ask to which she shakes her head.

"Thank you," I say turning to return it when I feel the Oreo slip from my hand. I look up to the sight of a grinning Helix.

"Broke?" He asks eyebrow raised.

"And whose fault is that?" I ask peeved.

"Wait, how is your being broke my fault?" He asks looking perplexed and amused.

"Because I bet my last cash on you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Steven bet me 20 bucks that you'd be flirting with nurses instead of working,"

"And you bet that I wouldn't? He says looking shocked. "Why?" He asks sounding like I was stupid.

"I'm wondering the same thing right now," I say pushing him aside and walking out of the place. I should never have taken a chance on him. I sigh and walk back over to the seat and take a seat wondering what was taking Steven so long to return.

"But for real am I only worth 20 bucks to you?" Helix says walking over.

"But for real am I only worth 20 bucks to you?" Helix says walking over.

"Dude you should be thankful that you are worth 20 bucks. That 20 bucks means a million to me right now,"

"For real?" He says his eyes lighting up making me wary.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I say to which he smirks and walks away. I watch his departing back and shake my head. What a weirdo, why did he seem so happy to hear that?

Moments later a bag of Oreo falls on my lap. I pick it up and look up to the sight of Helix leaning against the wall.

"What's this?" I ask confused as I pick it up.

"Surely you're not blind?" He asks snidely. U hated that tongue of his sometimes.

"I mean why are you giving this to me?" I ask deciding to be patient.

"It's a reward,"

"For what?"

"For taking my side against that Certified Nuisance assistant,"

"Certified what?" I say breaking into laughter thrown off and amused at the new acronym for CNA he'd created.

"Nuisance assistant," Helix finishes making me laugh harder.

"Helix that's so mean," I say feeling slightly guilty for laughing.

"Yet you're laughing," he says to which I shake my head still smiling.

'That doesn't make it right," I say.

"Sure," he says lackadaisically. To which I shake my head smiling. He suddenly leans in and smirks. Causing me to pause taken aback by the action.

"You should smile more often," he says smirking

"What?" I say leaning back. Grinning he leans in closer. 

"You have a beautiful smile, why hide it?" he says  with a dangerously low voice as his eyes stare right into my eyes as if strain into my soul with a smirk on his lips that makes my heart skip a beat.


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