36. Plane Crash

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"I'd ask how you are, but i really don't care" Serena Van Der Woodsen Gossip Girl

Song: Not Afraid: Eminem


They all step on the stairs and head up as Naz pulls Helix with him chatting about something deeply.

I stay rooted to my spot staring at the airstairs like they were the stairs to hell.

"Aren't you coming?" Lisa asks looking down from halfway up the air stairs.

"I...I need to make a call," I half stutter,

"You do realize you can make the call on the plane right?" Helix says pausing to look at me.

"I can?"

"Yah, it's not a commercial flight," Lisa says.

Now I really didn't want to get on the plane. Weren't you supposed to stay off phone calls on the plane as it could lead to a plane crash? No way in hell am I getting on that plane now.

"Isn't that dangerous?" I ask. Helix gives off an amused expression as he leans against the rail.

"Why scared a call will make the plane crash?" He asks.

"Won't it?" I reply to which Lisa bursts out laughing.

"No it won't technology is far too advanced for that,"

"Do you know how many calls we've made on the plane? We'd all be dead if a crash was that easy," Lisa says.

"Hestia, you can make the call before the plane takes off," Naz says.

"I need privacy," I say to which Helix looks like he wants to say something else then decides against it and climbs the stairs.

"Lucky you, the jet we're taking has a mini bedroom. Come up and I'll show you," Lisa says heading back down. I don't move, so she pulls me up the stairs into a truly gorgeous plane.

It was unbelievable what wealth brought your way. Yet, my first flight was on a private jet. I wasn't sure if I was lucky or unlucky. Lucky as I was on a private Jet, unlucky because I had a flight phobia.

Hence, I never rode one and would rather travel by train, car or bus. I glance around at the leather seats and take everything in as the rest of Lisa's friends say hi.

Mimi wasn't on the plan as Lisa explains she had taken her private Jet earlier to prepare things for the party. Lisa leads me to the private bedroom however Helix is laid upon the bed, eyes closed with a large head set plugged in.

"Helix," Lisa calls out but he doesn't answer.

"He's in a mood," Lisa explains. "That's okay, I can go down," I say wanting to quickly make for the exit. However, Lisa grabs my hand.

"Don't worry he's wearing noise cancelling headsets with music on. When he gets into his zone, he blocks everything else out," she says counting with her fingers as she lists her points. "Trust me he can't hear us and won't hear you. He won't even know you came in," Lisa says winking.

I don't quite buy it. She notices and grins mischievously making me more wary. "Helix you idiot!" She calls out, her words explaining the mischievous grin seconds earlier. However, he doesn't move.

"See?" She says, he'd kill me if he was listening, she says and chuckles adding, "Helix you cunt, I broke your guitar in 10th grade!" She exclaims and laughs out loud when she gets no response. "I truly love him this way," she says and heads for the door shutting it behind her and leaving Helix and I in the room.

"Helix?" I say walking closer; he doesn't budge. "Hey Helix, am I bugging you?" I ask; however, he doesn't answer making me wonder if it was true.

Taking out my phone I dial Blair.

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