chapter 16

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Time skip

It's now the next day and we are at the muggle world to get garden supplies.

We go into this shop called dobbies and we are buying alot of different types of flowers. We buy tables and chairs and much more.

We are back home and Anna and pansy are planting the plants. I go outside and hug pansy from behind.

"Hey y/n/n you okay" pansy asks

"Mhm" I reply snuggling my head into the crease of her neck.

She chuckles and carries on doing what she's doing.

"Pansy am I doing it correct" Anna questions

I feel pansy look up and nod her head.

"Perfect" she answers

After a couple of minutes I kiss pansys neck then let go of her and go back inside to start on planning a date I want to take pansy in after Anna goes home as it will be her birthday.

Later on I go downstairs and see pansy and Anna cuddling together outside under the stars.

I smile and walk over to them.

"Hey" I say while kneeling behind them

Pansy turns her head around and smiles

"Hey baby" she replies

"Is Anna asleep" I ask

Pansy nods

"Did you guys have dinner" I question

"Anna did but I was waiting for you to have mine" pansy answers

"You didn't have to" I say kissing her head

"I wanted to. Now let's put this one to bed and then we can have our dinner" pansy states

I walk round and pick up Anna. I help pansy get up and we take her up to her bedroom. We go downstairs and ask Mars to make us our dinner.

We have our dinner then we go upstairs. We get ready for bed and then we snuggle up in bed and fall to sleep

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