Chapter 4

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It was good to be home


Chapter 4


        The day passed on with me catching my parents up on how I had been doing in the past year and a half. The conversation was very light but there was still a bit of tension in the air.

           Soon it was time for me to settle Emma down for the night. I gave her a bottle of milk since she was only 7 monthes. She gulped it down greedily. I burped her and changed her into her favorite pjs. I picked her up in my arms and I rocked her back and forth while I sang her the same lulabey my mother sang to me.

" Oh, when the wind blows the angels have called and they give you a warm embrace"

"So that you now you can close your eyes, slipping asleep to my living lulabey"

When she was asleep I put her in her crib and drew her blankets around her. I closed the lights and turned on her nightlight. I left the room closing the door quietly so not to wake her up.

When I went back downstairs my parents where exactly where I had left them. I knew that we need to discuss the more seriious matters. I sat down on the couch and waited for my parents to start.

My mom began.

" Honey, what had happened?" she asked me.

I told her the whole story.  When I was done both my parents froze both had empathetic looks on their faces.

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