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What he looks like with blue jeweled eyes and without the band aides. ^^^

A/N - I know I shouldn't be doing another story because I have two others I'm working on, but, I've been reading a bunch of WMMAP fanfics and I wanted to make one.

Name - Thanatos De Alger Obelia (Jug-eum Samang)

Age - ??? Differentiates throughout the story ???

Gender - Male

Height - 5'9

Sexuality - Gay

Species - Human with magic~~

Birthday - Same as Athy~

Appearance - Silvery white hair with jeweled blue eyes. Is pale and has smooth skin (of course ;). Skinny but has a lot of muscle. In the beginning his hair is a dark color because the maids refused to give him a bath. He was also really skinny and boney because of malnutrition.

Likes - Sweets, sleep, night time, the moon, stars, meat, chocolate, swords, being lazy, Claude, Felix, Athanasia, friendly people, rain, the cold, tea, hot chocolate, having fun.

Dislikes - Jennette, Roger, sour foods, mornings, moving around too much, bitter foods, vegetables, too much sun, dull weapons, being bored.

Personality - Quiet around people he doesn't know. Sarcastic and moody when it comes to people he doesn't like. He doesn't smile a lot, but he does occasionally. He likes to compliment people, but gets flustered when he is complimented. Does not have a lot of self confidence, and believes others are above him, not Jennette or Roger though. He isn't very oblivious, but can get distracted easily. Stares off into space often and doesn't pay attention unless its something he enjoys, like sword practice, fighting, having tea with Athanasia and Claude, etc.

Past - Jug-eum had black hair and dark brown eyes. He was abandoned and had to go to an orphanage. The orphanage abused him, whether it be the other kids or adults. The orphanage kicked him out at age 15 because he was a 'nuisance'. He was always pretty smart, and could catch on to things quite fast, so he got into high school. He never had any friends and was always alone. After high school he went to college and wanted to get himself a good job, so he could finally live how he wanted. He didn't get to. He got shot by a thief trying to get away, 5 times. He died alone and on the concrete on his way home from work. Before he died, he was always working and trying to get a job. Whenever he didn't have work he would always read Who Made Me a Princess. It made him forget about reality and have fun.





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Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now