What Was I Supposed To Do Now...?

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Thanatos POV:

Me, Athy, and Lucas were sitting next to Father as he was asleep. Lucas was standing over Father, staring at his face. Athy saw Lucas's hair drop on Fathers face so she yanked his hair back. After they argue and bicker to each other, Athy starts playing with Lucas's hair which annoys the shit out of me. "So... can you help him or not...?" He ignored my question and looked at Father curiously. "What is this...? You told me he only lost his memories, so why is he dying...?" My eyes widen and I fall back. "Y-you're joking right...?" He looks at me surprised. "F-Father... he's not actually d-dying right...?" Lucas looks at me with a sad expression. "His magic is a mess. This isn't simple memory loss..." He then put his pointer finger above Fathers forehead and it started glowing purple. 'Is he using magic to help him...?' 

Fathers frown quickly changed into a calmed expression. 'His complexion looks a lot better now...' I smiled a bit but it quickly turned into a frown when Father rejected Lucas's magic. "What the hell was that...?" He turned to us and frowned. "Your magic is a lot more... sensitive than I thought." I rolled my eyes and was now waiting for him to tell us what's wrong with Father. "First of all... I healed his body but I can't recover his memories." My eyes widened and I clenched my fist. "This... is a curse. Its a punishment for those who use black magic." I sighed and walked towards the door. "I already knew that dumbass." Before anyone could protest, I left the room and headed for my own. 

When I went into my room I immediately snapped my fingers and Kiel showed up in my room. Before Kiel could even process that he switched environments, I had already hugged him. He flinched and tensed but when he noticed it was me he hugged back. Kiel already knows about Father and his black magic. He knows everything except for how I've been taking in Fathers black magic. "Kiel... I don't know what to do..." He picks me up and sets me on his lap when he sits down on the couch. "Do what you want to do." I chuckle and put my forehead on his. "I wish it was that easy..." He looked at me before leaning in and closing the small gap between us. 

His lips were on mine and we held a small brief kiss before pulling back. My face and ears were a bit red and Kiel just stared at me with a small smile. He leaned back in and kissed me again. I felt his hands travel down to my waist and pull me closer. 'Damn. Kiel is... really dominant today...' I flinched and gasped when I felt his hand go under my shirt, touching my waist and back. Kiel took this as an opportunity to stick his tongue in and start exploring my mouth. I moaned into the kiss and squeezed his shoulders. We were about to continue but we heard the door open. Kiel was about to get up but I stopped him. "Its alright. The only people who come in without knocking is Athy, Lena, Father, and..." Before I could finish I saw Lucas. "And... Lucas." Kiel's eyes widen and he turned to me. "You mean Lucas the magician...?" I nodded and looked back at the shocked face of Lucas slowly turn into a glare. He started walking towards us. "What the hell is going on?" 

When he reached me, he shoved Kiel's hand away and grabbed me by the shoulder, pulling me towards him. I slap his hand away and cross my arms. "What the hell does it look like Lucas...? Were in a relationship, now get out." His eyes widen and he scoffs. "Then what about us? I know you liked me and I'm pretty sure you could tell how I felt about you..." I glare at him and push him away. "If you didn't already forget, Lucas, you left. You left me. All alone, by myself, at the time I needed you the most just to replenish your damn mana...." Lucas scoffed and walked closer to me. "If I didn't replenish my mana your Father would be dead!" My eyes widen and I glare at him, starting to get mad. "If you were here in the first place, this wouldn't have happened!" He was starting to get mad as well and raised his voice. "How would you know!? What if I couldn't do it!? He would be dead!" I rolled my eyes and squeezed my fist. "Oh so, the great magician of the tower can't save a mans life, huh!? I guess I put to much faith in you!" He started using mana making the room start to fall apart but I didn't care. I was pissed. "I was basically broken Lucas! I hated myself and everything I did to people! Kiel was here! He told me I was important! He said I was human too! HE DID THAT!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" He slammed his fist against the wall. "I SAVED YOUR DAMN LIFE!! IF YOU KEPT TAKING THAT MANS MANA YOU WOULD HAVE DIED!!" 

Kiel finally stepped in and grabbed my arm. "What is he talking about Thanos!?" I could barely hear him because of the room being destroyed. "Oh? I guess he didn't tell you. He was on the verge of death because he was taking in The Emperors black magic!" Kiel's eyes widen and he grabbed me by the arm. "Why would you do that!? You promised me you wouldn't risk yourself for others anymore!" I slapped away his arm and tears started filling my eyes. "What if he died!? What would Athy d-"


My face was turned to the side with a red mark on it. My eyes were wide and my hair was blocking part of my face. "What about you, Thanos!? Why do you treat yourself like this!?" I was speechless. What was I supposed to say in a situation like this? 'I'm sorry?' 'It wont happen again?' 'I'll try harder?' I didn't know. "Sir Lucas. Please teleport me back to the Alpheus Mansion." My eyes widen further but before I could say anything Kiel was already gone. Lucas was gone as well. I sat there, on the floor, with tears streaming down my face and eyes entirely devoid of any life. 

Before I knew it people were rushing in through the door, seeing what all the noise was about. "Y-Your Highness!" One of the maids walk over to me. "Get out..." It seems the maid didn't hear me because she stepped closer. "GET THE HELL OUT!! ALL OF YOU!!" Everyone flinched and quickly left the room. I grabbed a nearby vase and slammed it on the ground along with many things that were placed around it. What was I supposed to do now...?







I wasn't planning for this chapter to go like this but... its more interesting this way ;).

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Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now