Who Are You...?

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Athanasia POV:

Thanos has been... different lately. Ever since Lucas left he's been different. He lately has bags under his eyes and is as pale as a sheet of paper. He's also been more irritated, yelling at the maids every time they make a mistake he'd yell at them or or start throwing stuff. All he every does is train and stay in his room unless I personally get him out. Even then, he doesn't talk or drink the tea. He hasn't eaten anything in days. Even Daddy has noticed. Before Lucas left I tried to get him to talk to Thanos or even just check how he's doing but he just gave me a sad look and changed the subject. 

I had little time to worry about that because I was getting ready for another tea party. Jenette is coming again today along with the ladies from the last time. I sigh and walk to the door.

Thanatos POV:

I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling before I feel something drip down my face. I reach my hand up and touch the liquid. I look and see blood. 'My nose is bleeding...' I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom with small steps, blood dripping on the floor every step. I finally reach the bathroom and I stare at my face. The dark red, warm liquid dripping down from my nose, to my lips, and finally my chin and then dripping on the clear white bathroom floor. 

I turn on the water and run my hands through it before holding some in my hand and splashing my face with it. The water turning into a pink-ish color as it hit the surface of the sink. He grabbed the nearest towel and wiped his face, the blood as well. Even a I was bleeding I couldn't feel anything. Nothing except for the pain in my head. I didn't feel happy or sad, I wasn't even mad at the maids I just wanted to feel something. I desperately wished that this would come to pass, that it was just a small issue but... I can't feel anything. I sighed and dried my face before exiting the bathroom and heading towards the bed. Before I could reach the bed a miad came rushing in. "Y-Your Highness?" I looked over at her with emotionless eyes. "Princess Athanasia!!"

Before she could finish her sentence I bolted out of the room. I ran down the hallway and to Athy's room as fast as I can. When I reached her room, I slammed the door open and saw Athy laying their, with blood on her mouth. "A-Athy...?" Everyone in the room looked at me, even Father, with a sad look. I walked over to her and shook her a bit. "Wake up... Athy wake up!" I started yelling and crying, still holding on to Athy. Felix grabbed me  by my arms and pulled me away from her. "Athy!! Please wake up!!" Felix was struggling. Though Thanos is skinny, he was almost strong enough to beat Felix, the strongest swordsman in the empire. "Your Highness! You need to calm down!" I wasn't listening, I couldn't. Not when Athy was laying their with blood coming out of your mouth. I was struggling and kicking until I felt a pain in my neck. Felix had wacked me in my neck to make me pass out. 'Well Thanatos. You wanted to feel something... how is it...?'

Time skip~~~ 10 days later

No one POV:

Athanasia slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she sees is Felix and Lily screaming her name. "Princess! Are you okay!? Does it hurt anywhere!?" Athanasia looks at her, not being able to speak well because of how long she was asleep. "Thank the heavens. I thought something had really gone wrong." Lily had tears flowing down her cheeks. Lily picked Athanasia up and propped her up, placing a cup of water to her lips. After drinking the water she looked up to her maid. "How long was I out?" Lily didn't hesitate to answer her. "10 days, Your Highness." She then looked to Felix. "Did Lucas return?" Felix flinched but didn't answer. "Where's dad?" Again they didn't give an answer. They stared at her with sweat building on their face. 

Her eyes widened and she tried to get off the bed by herself. She made the first step but fell to her knees the second. "Please. I beg you Princess. You can't do this. I implore you to go back to bed." Athanasia starts gasping for air. Before anyone could anything more the door slammed open. Everyone looked over to a certain sliver headed prince. Athanasia was about to talk but tears streamed down his pale skin. "A...Athy... you're awake..." He started to slowly walk toward her with unsteady steps, almost as if one wrong step and he would fall. When he reached Athanasia he fell to his knees and gave a smile. "You... finally woke up." He pulled the girl towards him and embraced her in a tight hug. She could feel the tear on her shoulder as the boy cried. 'It looks like he hasn't eaten or slept at all... is this really Thanos?' Athy slowly put her hands up and hugged back. "You want to see Father right? Please tell me anything you want, I'll do everything in my power to help."  

Thanatos POV:

Athy slowly nodded and Felix picked her up. Before I could protest, Felix shook his head. "You haven't eaten or slept properly since the Princess collapsed. You don't have the energy right now." I clicked my tongue but nodded and followed Felix out the door. I smiled a bit knowing that Athy was finally awake but then frowned. 'She'll be sad about Father being bedridden.' 

When we got to Fathers room Athy looked... afraid. "Papa..." I look down. "Papa... wake up..." She kept calling him and shaking his arm before dropping to the floor with tears. I closed my eyes and looked away. Everything was silent besides the muffled sobs coming from Athy. That was until we heard a small groan from Father. "P-papa?!" I also walked over. Father sat up and rubbed his head. Athy was smiling with small tears still in her eyes I also smiled. I may not like the guy but that doesn't mean I want him dead. Everything was nice until Father... asked who Athy was. My eyes widened and I put my hand to my mouth. Athy was also silent, still processing what Father just said. "I asked who your are- agh." He gave a small groan as he was trying to sit up. 

Athy ran to his side and helped him sit up. "You shouldn't move so suddenly like that.." Father glared at the hand that Athy had on his arm. "Felix!" Father was yelling for his guard. 'What... the hell is happening...?' Felix ran in and immediately went to Fathers side. "Thank god your awake!" Father raised a brow. "Your acting like I've been asleep for ten years." He started commenting about how Felix looked older but I zoned out and started shaking. 'What's going to happen to Athy now that Father forgot her...?' I was snapped out of my thoughts as Father started talking to Athy and I. "Just who are you...? If you were an assassin, you would have been chopped to pieces by now." Even Felix was at a loss of words. "Sire... are you talking about the princess and prince right now?" He looked confused. "Do... you not recognize Athy...?" I finally spoke up. Everyone looked at me. "And who are you? Are you related to the brat?" I clenched my jaw. "Are you fucking serious right now...?" He glared at me. "Excuse me...?" Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. "I don't give a fuck that you forgot about me, hell I hope it stays that way but... Athy...?" Everyone was still surprised, even Father to some extent. "Do you two wish to die?" I let out a shaky sigh. "Haha.... HAHAHA! You have to be joking!" He glared at me some more. "I can tell from your eyes that your royal blood. Should I gouge them out so you can stop talking this nonsense." I gave an emotionless smirk. "I'd rather have them gouged out them share the same eyes as you. Want me to do it myself?" His eyes widen and he was about to get up but fell again and started coughing blood.

Felix rushed to his side and Lily ran out the room saying she'll get a royal doctor. I grabbed Athy and turned her towards me and pushed her face into my chest. "You don't need to look..." Before I knew it Athy had collapsed in my arms with tears running down her face. I was about to pick her up when the fatigue and shock finally got to me as blood ran down my face and I passed out as well. Before I hit the ground I mutter something, just loud enough to hear.

"Fuck you... Claude."






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Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now