New World, Not So New Life

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Thanatos POV:

"Felix. What do you call these... things?" I open my eyes to a blonde man with cold blue eyes. 'I thought I was dead?' I look away and look at the red head. "The girls name is Athanasia, while the boys name is..." He looked at me sadly then at the blonde. "Thanatos, Your Majesty." I heard a small dark chuckle coming from the blonde. "How amusing. One is named after immortality, and the other is named after death. They're supposed to be twins as well." The blonde looked back at who I think is Felix. "Take the girl to the Ruby Palace. Take the other one to a different manor. The Ruby Palace isn't for the likes of him." Felix sighs sadly and grabbed us both.

We walked and walked, until we reached a building with maids waiting outside, bowing down. While we were walking I looked over all of the things the blonde said in the beginning, and I realized I was in Who Made Me a Princess. I wont lie, in the beginning I was a little surprised, but it didn't matter. Claude would probably kill me in the end anyway.

We were right in front of the building while the maids were waiting, for what I assumed was me. "Please take care of him." Felix looked down sadly. It looked like he would cry at this point. I put my small, chubby hand to his face and he looked at me. This look was even sadder than the last. "I'm sorry, Your Highness." He handed me to the maid and left in a hurry. "Thank the lord he left. I don't know if I'd be able to deal with him any longer." The maid holding me said. She then looked at me with a giant, vicious smirk. "Your all our now." 'What the hell is wrong with these people??'

They then brought me inside and threw me on the floor. "Now that your here, I work load will decrease by a whole lot." 'Are they going to make me work? Its not like I haven't done this before though. Right now I'm a baby so they can't do to much to me now.' They look at me with disgust like they were thinking the exact same thing as I was. A maid came over and lifted me by one of my arms and brought me to a dusty, dark room with a bunch of random things in here. 'This must be a storage room. Am I to sleep here?' I looked over at the maid who just glared back and left. 'Guess so.'

Time skip~~~ a year later!!

Its been a year since I've been here and the abuse gradually increased. It went from small slaps here and there to constant slaps, getting hit with a ruler if I do something they don't like, and I sometimes get starved for a day or two. Now that I'm bigger and can crawl, I have to do some of the maids work. Mostly cleaning since that's basically all I can do at this age. They make me eat stale, rotten bread. That's about all I eat but if they're feeling extra sadistic, they make me eat rotten foods right in front of them. They force my mouth open and shove it in like a piece of candy. 

"Damn it! Dumbass come here!" You can tell she's talking to me right. The 'heir' of the Obelian Empire? 'Heir my ass'. I crawl down to her and she kicks me. "Urgh" I made a grunting noise. 'Kicking? That's a first.' "Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!" Everytime she said 'damn it' she kicked. 'This hurts worse than I thought.' She gripped my hair and pulled me up. "I just got fucking dumped because I have to babysit your ass 24/7. Fuck!" She slammed my head on the ground, just hard enough to draw blood. 'How is it my fault though? Fucking leave for all I care.' She let go harshly and walked away. 'Yeah just walk away! Leave a bleeding baby on the floor!' 

After a while, I finally had the energy to get off the floor, and crawl to my room, after I cleaned the blood off the floor of course. I have a small corner in my room that has one book and many sheets. It gets really cold in here at night and I don't have any blankets, so I've been using spare sheets. I open the small book and it has many beautiful pictures. A bunch of pictures from around Obelia, whether it be a sun set or a flower garden, they were all so beautiful. 

Time skip~~~ 5 years later.

Claude POV (Surprise right?):

It has been a year since I met Athanasia and Felix has somehow managed to convince me to meet the first child. Thanatos. I didn't want to, I already have a little brat running around, I don't need two. They're twins so they're obviously going to act the same, and Felix just had to make me go to the manor. 

We are walking to the manor and Felix can't stop humming to himself. I told Felix that I would go as long as I don't have to directly meet him, as in we are going to spy on him. It wasn't even my idea. What I meant is we were going to ask one of the servants, but his imagination went wild. "Felix, if you don't shut up I will turn back immediately." He shut up. Damn.

We arrive at the manor and go to the nearest window. We were lucky, he's sitting there on the... floor? "Felix. Why is my son sitting on the floor?" He seemed happy because I called it my son, but quickly straightened up. "I don't know Your Majesty." I look back over and he's eating. 'Why does he look so skinny and pale? Is he being fed enough?' I look closer and he's eating bread... moldy bread. "What the hell?" I heard Felix mumble. I hear a door open and see a maid come in. 'She must be coming to give him proper food.'

Is what I thought. She came up to him and snatched the food out of his hands and slapped him. "Hah!?" I yell. We get closer to the window to hear what they're saying. "Stupid Dumbass. I told you no food!! What the hell are you doing!?" Me and Felix couldn't utter a single word. We just stood there shocked. 'What the hell is that wench doing to my son!?' "Down. NOW!" When she said that, Thanatos got on his hands and knees and bent down. She snickered and kicked him repeatedly in the back with her heal. 

While Thanatos was being beaten he didn't open his mouth once. Not to scream or even groan. The only thing that he did was twitch his eyebrows when she hit a specific spot. 'Thats it!' I stood up from my spot and ran to the front of the manor. I slammed the doors open, Felix close behind me, and started raiding the place looking for Thanatos. 

No ones POV:

Claude made it to the room he was in while he was still getting beaten. Claude tore the maid off Thanatos and slammed her against the wall. "Who dar-" Before she could finish she saw who it was and immediately bowed. "G-greetings Your Majesty." She looked up at him. "What the HELL were you just doing?" She flinched at the sudden cold in his voice. 

Felix picked up Thanatos and held him up. Thanatos looked confused. "Why are you here? Father, Sir. Felix?" Felix looked sad and hugged the boy before he heard a scream then a splatter. He looked over and saw blood everywhere. Felix was about to cover the eyes of the prince until he saw how he emotionlessly stared at the blood, then back at Felix for the answer to his previous question. "We are here to take you back to the palace, Your Highness." The boy turned his head, again, he was confused. "Why though? I thought you didn't want me there." Claude and Felix's eyes widen at what he said. "W-what are you talking about, Your Highness? Where did you get that idea?" "Well... I've been here for... 6 years now I think, and you haven't visited or said anything. I was quite certain I was abandoned. You didn't have to come. I know this is a burden." Felix was about to tear up while Claude still had wide eyes. "You can put me down Sir. Felix, I will go up to my room. Have a pleasant day, father." Just as he was about to leave Clause spoke up...

"W-wait... Thanatos." 






I stayed up until 7:30 in the morning to finish this and I'm not even that satisfied with if... DAMN~~!!!!

{1473 words}

Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now