I Fear Your Life

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No one POV:
After the meeting with Ezekiel, when he left, Lucas, Athanasia, and Thanatos were sitting on the couch while Athanasia braided his hair.
"What are you doing?" Lucas looked at Athanasia, Thanatos just eating snacks on the window sill. "I'm trying to calm my heart." Silence then filled the room.
"Is this calming?" Athanasia nodded her head after a second. "A little." Lucas was confused. 'How is braiding hair calming?' Thanatos walked over to the two and sat on the other side, wiping crumbs off his face from the snacks.
Thanatos looked at Lucas. "You look stupid with braids, y'know that?" Luca fumed. "You're just mad that you don't have long beautiful hair like me." Thanatos chuckles, mockingly, and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, what's up with Athy? She's totally out of it."
Lucas looked at Athanasia with a confused expression until his eyes widened. He immediately grabbed Athanasia's hand and snapped her out of her trance.
"Hey. What were you thinking about just now?" Athanasia looked at Lucas with wide eyes before turning confused. "Huh? What?" Thanatos was looking at the two with a cautious expression before Athanasia started laughing.
"HAHAHAHA!! Woah! Your hairs a mess!!" Lucas looked angry before making his hair short again. "I asked you about what you weee thinking about."
Athanasia looked about sad that her hard work went to waste. "Ah. It was so pretty. What a waste." Lucas stared at her with a slight nervous expression.
"Don't give up." The twins looked confused. "I'll help you so don't give up." Thanatos finally spoke up as he looked at Lucas. "Give up what? What are you talking about Lucas." He shook his head. "Just... everything. Whether it's retrieving your fathers memories or anything else."
Thanatos sat next to Lucas and let out a long sigh. "We're already worried enough as it is about Kiel, so don't stay saying strange things."
Athanasia looked at Thanatos with a smirk before looking at Lucas nervously. "Ezekiel?" He looked at Thanatos who was sweat-dropping at his words. "Weee you thinking about him?"
Thanatos flinched up and shook his head. "No, of course not, Lucas. You must have heard wrong." Lucas gave an angry sigh. "Of course you were. I was right."
Lucas then leaned towards Thanatos's face and frowned while Athanasia covered her red, fujoshi, face.
"Do you like guys like him? Huh? Is he better than me?" Thanatos felt overwhelmed by how close Lucas was getting.
"Do you like the types that pretend to be obedient and nice?" Thanatos felt slightly annoyed by what Lucas was saying. "He's not pretending, Lucas. He's just well mannered. He's a gentlemen who cares for others. And unlike someone I know, he stayed with me through bad times."
Lucas then stood in front of Thanatos and bent down. "Gentleman?" Lucas grabbed thanatos's hand and kissed the back of it, making Thanatos flinch and turn red. "Is this what you call a gentlemen?"
Thanatos slapped Lucas's hand away, flustered and nervous, and pointed towards Athanasia. "M-my sister is in the room!" Lucas gave a chuckle and walked out the door happily.
~~Time skip~~
Today Athanasia and Thanatos had plans with Claude. Athanasia brought a bouquet of flowers while Thanatos brought a book and reading glasses.
"Daddy. The weather has been nice lately. Why don't we go out to the lake." Claude stared at the twins, while Thanatos just smiled back, trying to hide his nervousness of being near Claude again.
"We used to go there quite frequently." Thanatos then stepped in, not wanted Athanasia to be the only one taking. "Flowers have bloomed around the lake, it looks quite beautiful."
Athanasia smiled at Thanatos while holding his hand. "It's not good for your health to just sit here all day. Will you come with us?"
Claude stared at the twins before answering slowly. "... sure." Thanatos's eyes widen before smiling slightly, while Athanasia was surprised.  "Huh? What?"
"Really?!" Thanatos held in a giggle at Athanasia's surprised expression. "Was that... a joke?" Athanasia shook her head fast. "N-no! I just... I mean..." she was silent for a second before Thanatos spoke up while patting her head. "We're just happy, your majesty."
"Shall we invite miss Magrita?" Thanatos sweat dropped. 'Though I love Jettie with all my heart, now was not the time to mention her...'
Claude looked confused at the mention of Jennette.
"You can invite her if you wish..." Athanasia smiled at Claude and nodded. "Okay, I'll send word!" Claude nodded. "How does tomorrow sound?" He nodded and Athanasia smiled and started heading for the door. "Tomorrow it is then. Thank you, daddy!"
Thanatos was still in the room with his same smile. "Sorry for bothering you guys today. Hope we didn't waste too much of your time. See you tomorrow, Your Majesty." Thanatos then left with a smile.
"Felix. Prepare the boat." Felix nodded and smiled. "Of course, Your Majesty."
Time skip~~~ next day
Athanasia, Thanatos, and Jennette were now standing in front of a very lavish boat, sweat-dropping. "We've prepared a large boat so that you may safely enjoy three lake."
Thanatos looked at Claude seeing if he was the reason, but the look on his face proved him wrong. 'It was probably Felix then...'
When they were on the boat, he sat in there middle of Athanasia and Jennette. "No matter how many times I see it, the palace river is always beautiful."
Thanatos looked at Claude and smiled when he saw that he was closing his eyes, but suddenly Athanasia screamed Jennette's name. He looked over and saw Jennette in the pond, trying to breathe. 'That dress is probably too heavy to swim in.'
Thanatos saw that Athanasia was about to get up but stopped her and pushed her back down. He was about to jump off the boat, but a hand landed on his lower arm. "You'll get wet..." Thanatos glared at him, sending a shiver of surprised down his back. "Let go...!"
Thanatos pushed Claude's hand away from him and jumped in the pond. He grabbed Jennettes falling hand and dragged her back to the surface, pulling her to the edge. He pushed her up on the ground and climbed up afterwards. He coughed a bit and hugged Jennette. "God... I fear your life whenever you come here, Jettie..."

Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now