Thanos' Outburst

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No one POV:

When the twins got back from the Debutante they went directly to their room. Athy was on the balcony while Thanos was on the bed staring at her. Everything was peaceful and quiet until they heard a voice. "That's too bad. I thought you'd be crying." The twins look over to see a certain black haired magician. "Why would I be crying?" Athy and Thanos were confused. "I bet your father told you he wouldn't dance with you ever again." Athy flinched and Thanos snorted. Thanos was watching from afar as they started talking unknowingly quieter. Lucas suddenly leaned closer to Athy, inches away from her face. Thanos frowned and clutched his chest again before looking away. 'I feel like he's doing this on purpose.' Thanos got up and walked to the door. 

"Where are you going Thanos?" He looks over at Athy and sighed. "I'm just going for a walk. I'll leave you two alone. You look like you need to talk." Lucas was about to stop Thanos as he didn't want him to go but he was already gone. 'Damn...' Lucas cursed to himself. Athy just raised a brow. When Thanos was out he slid down the door and held his hair. 'Why am I getting jealous? This is for Athy.' He sighs and stands up. 'I'm being an idiot. How can someone as lowly as me be jealous of Athy.' He gave a small sad laugh and stood up. He started walking down the halls staring at the star filled sky. When he leaned on the open window and breathed out, you could see his breath escaping his lips. 

Thanos closed his eyes to feel the cold air graze his skin when he heard a voice. He looked over and saw Lucas. "What are you doing out here?" He sighed and walked closer. "I should be asking you that..." He went next to Thanos and leaned on the same open window. "It sure is calming out here, huh?" Lucas turned towards the crystal eyed boy who was looking out the window with expressionless eyes. "You know... you're a lot more distant that the others." Thanos' eyes widened and he looked at Lucas. Sweat started building on his forehead. "I-is that so...?" Lucas observed the suspicious reaction. "Yeah... whenever it involves your sister. Or anyone you're close to." Thanos clenched his fist. "You like to leave or close yourself off like you're not worth anything..." Thanos flipped his head over to Lucas and grabbed him by the collar. "MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS LUCAS!!" Lucas's eyes widen at the sudden outburst. Thanos slumped down and tears started falling down his pale cheeks. "Why couldn't you just stay oblivious like all the others?" Lucas was frozen, he does not have experience in comforting people.

"If you did everything would be okay..." Thanos' head shot up. "Just... don't tell anyone... yeah. If no one but you knows theirs nothing to worry about." He suddenly had a strained smile. He stood up and looked at Lucas with an expressionless face. "Don't tell anyone Lucas. If you do, I don't care how strong you are, I'll get you locked up in the palace dungeons. Or better yet I'll kill you myself." Lucas's eyes widen again. He could see how scared and sad Thanos is but he doesn't want anyone to know. Thanos didn't want to hurt Lucas but... he couldn't let anyone know. "I wont tell anyone but... why?" He wanted to at least know the reason for him to feel this way. "I can't have Athy know about how I feel. She'll leave me... everyone will leave me." Lucas was surprised. "I'm selfish I know... I'm trash. B-but she... she's the first person to care... to actually treat me like a person." Thanos smiled faintly. "I don't care what she does... she can hit me, kick me- anything just... as long as she doesn't leave me." Lucas looked t him, still surprised by his answer. He walked up to Thanos and hugged him. Thanos and Lucas were about the same height but Thanos felt small in Lucas's arms. 

'How can a 14 year old boy think like this...?' Lucas was still hugging him. Thanos was tense but he put his arms around Lucas as well and put his forehead on Lucas's shoulder while tears still fell from his eyes. "I wont tell anyone but... you have to talk to me. At least sometimes..." Thanos nodded and let go. "I... I'm going to sleep. Athy must be asleep by now." Lucas nodded and watched as the boy walked away, leaving Lucas staring at the sky with a small frown. Still thinking about the sad answer that Thanos gave him. 'How has no one noticed? Athy and the emperor are closest to him yet... they don't have a single clue about how he feels.' He sighed and ruffled his own hair. 'What am I supposed to do with him...' 

Time skip~~~ next morning

Thanatos POV:

I was sitting at mine and Athy's desk. "Look at all these invitations!" We both looked at the stack of invitations sitting on a platter. I sighed. "I'm only going if Athy is going. Plus I'm tired..." Athy looked over at me and sighed. "Are all of these really invitations?" Lily nodded and smiled. "Yes and more are going to come." She started lifting up and reading the invitations one by one. I eyes some of them but non seemed interesting. Athy looked over at me and grabbed my hand. She dragged me out the door and to Fathers room. She peeked through the door. "Daddy. Are you busy?" He looked at us with the same expression. "Sit down and wait." She nodded and dragged me to a couch. 

We sat their for a bit before Athy started looking around the room. She laid her eyes on the weirdly shaped rock on the table. She reached her hand out and rested her hand on it. Before she could fully pick it up Father spoke. "Do you want it?" She flinched and looked over at Father. "N-no it just looked funny- I mean... it looks like a decoration with a story behind it..." Father smirked. "What do you mean?" He started with a smirk still on his face. "Its just an ugly piece of stone. I would have given it to you if you wanted." I looked at the rock then back at Father. 'It wouldn't be placed in his office if it was just an ugly piece of stone. What the hell is it?' Athy shook her head telling Father she didn't need it. "Did you two come here to say something?" Athy looked over and started sweating. 'He's writing non-stop. Its kind of annoying but the smell of ink is calming.' 

"No... we just came because we wanted to see you. You seem busy though so we can leave." Father while still looking at his paperwork answered. "I'm not that busy." I sweat dropped at the obvious lie. He called in Felix and told him to do his work. He threw the rock and Felix. He caught it but started freaking out. "Your Majesty! You can't be so careless about the royal seal!" I fell of the couch. Athy squealed. When they started leaving I stayed still with Felix. "Thanos? Are you coming?" I shook my head and stood up. "I'll help Felix with the work. Have a good time." She looked hesitant but she nodded. "Why aren't you going with them, Your Highness?" I looked up at him with a sad smile. 

"They should have some bonding time... plus you look like you need help..."






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