Tea Time & Lucas

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A/N - I know this is different from the original timeline but its before Athy meets Lucas.

Thanatos POV:

Its been a few weeks since I have been welcomed to the Imperial Palace with father and Athy. I don't see a difference in my relationship with father, but Athy has definitely grown on me. She asks for tea time with me and father everyday and we both happily agree, who wouldn't? Its Athy? I don't speak much but she can tell what I want, when I want it. She always wakes me up, picks my clothes, and even does my hair sometimes, though its not always any good. 

"Thanos! Wake up!" I slowly open my eyes to be met with similar jeweled blue eyes, sparkling in the morning sun. I sit up and open my arms because she always comes in for a hug, and that's exactly what she did. "Good morning Athy." She looks up really fast and smiles. "Morning Thanos!" I give a closed eyed smile and her eyes widen. "..what?" She grabs my hand and screams at me. "You smiled!!! I've never seen you smile Thanos!" My eyes widen and I sigh after shaking my head. "There has never been a reason for me to smile until now my dear Athy." She turns her head to the side a bit. "Then what was the reason now?" I smiled again and poked her nose. "You." Was all I said before walking away to change. 

Athanasia POV:

'I... was his reason?' I smile to myself before I go to get papa for tea. I hope he's not sleeping like Thanos though. I sigh and run to his room. I open the door and... he's sleeping on the couch. 'Oh lord. How am I supposed to wake him?' I walk over to him and am about to tap in on the forehead, when he suddenly grabs my hand.

 "P-papa?" His eyes widen and he rubs his eyes. "Papa!! Guess what!?" He looks at me and turns his head indicating me to continue. "Thanos smiled! And-and he said it was because of me!" His eyes widen but they close again. 'I can tell your just as surprised as I am.' I think while smirking.

Thanatos POV:

I'm fully dressed and heading towards fathers room to have tea but when I get in there I see Athy on the ground smiling and father sleeping. "Uhh... what's going... on?" Athy looks over to me and runs into a hug. "Papa is sleeping, so its only you and me." father suddenly sits up and looks at us. "Who said that?" Athy looks over at father and pouts while muttering words like "Why did he have to be awake?" Or "I wanted it to be only me and Thanos." I was holding back a laugh while father and her were staring at each other. 

We were outside and Athy kept making conversation with father while I was staring at the flowers drinking tea. "Athanasia told me you smile at her." "PFFTT" I spit out all the tea in my mouth and looked back at father. "U-umm... I guess I did. Though it was e-early and I was tired." I was starting to sweat and avoid eye contact with him. "Do it again." "W-what?" He looks up from his tea cup. "Do it again." I look him in the eye for a second before putting my tea cup and down and giving him a closed eyed smile. 

His eyes widen before he slightly smirks. I flinch and move back a bit. 'W...why is he smiling?' I walk towards him and bow slightly. "I-um... I'm going to look at the flowers." He looks up and nods. 

I was in the when I saw a gray... tail? I walk over and it disappears. "What the fuck?" I look over and I see a tall dark hai- 'Lucas. Its Lucas. I gotta act like I don't know him though.' "Who the hell are you?" He looks over and stares at me. "Hmm. Your... interesting." 'Hm? Isn't this what he's supposed to say to Athy.' I start to sweat and look away. "T-thats... fun. I'll uh... be on my way now." He grabs my arm before I could leave 'FUCK! I'm messing up the story!!' I turn around to look up at him. "Uh... yes?" He smiles- no he smirks and looks at me. "What's the rush. You'll be seeing me a lot more often anyway." '............SHIT!!'

Lucas made me sit next to him and talk about random shit. "Thanos!!" I look over the bush and see Athy looking for me. "Oh! Before you go, here's your sacred beast, princey~." I grab it by the nape and walk away. 'WTF WAS THAT!?!?!' I shudder at the though of Lucas's annoying ass near me everyday. "Thanos there you ar- what's that?" I look over at the new pet I now have and sigh. "A new friend for you." She giggles and picks it up (it looks like Blackie but silver and black). "Thank you Thanos!" I pat her head and hug her. "U-uhh... what's the matter Thanos? Are you not feeling well?" I don't respond but hold the hug for a little while longer. 'I wish these days would last.'

Lucas POV:

'He seems to really like his sister huh?' I smirk.

Thanatos POV:

Me and Athy go back to father and we walk inside and go our separate ways. I go to my room, father and Athy go to there's.

"Today wasn't that bad, huh?"






Sorry I haven't posted in a while... FAMILY PROBLEMS. Actually I was just cleaning the house with my family. 

{934 words}

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