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Thanatos POV:

I was sitting in Athy's room, eating snacks when Lily rushed in the room. "Princess! Prince!" We both look over at the out of breath Lily. "The Young Master of the Alpheus house has requested an audience!" My eyes widen and I bolt up off the couch. "Really!?" She looks at me confused before nodding. "Why is he suddenly requesting an audience without giving us prior notice?" They were about to say something more but I cut in. "It doesn't matter. Take us to him... please..." I muttered the last part but still started to walk to the door. I gave a small smile and chuckled a bit, excited to see Kiel after such a long time. 

When we reach the room, Kiel was sitting on one of the couches smiling. I had a small blush on my face when remembering what happened last time. He looked over to us and his face got a bit red as well but he stayed calm. "Thank you for granting me an audience Your Highnesses." He bowed with the same smile. I copied his smile and also bowed. "Your Welcome Kiel. Please stand up." He nods and stands up, the smile still on his face. "Why did you request an audience?" Me and Athy sit down next to each other, him across from us. "I came here with my father and wondered if I could see you two... so I sent a message." I looked over and saw Lily leading all of the maids out who were spying on us. "I thought getting His Majesty's permission would be difficult so..." I gave a smile and hand him a cookie. "Thank you for the other day." We both look over at Athy who had an awkward expression. 'Ah... I forgot she was here...'

"I wasn't able to contact you right away, I'm sorry." Kiel shook his head and smiled before eating the cookie I gave him. Athy saw this and started to get awkward. Me and Kiel stared at each other for a bit longer, Athy slammed her hands on the table. "If you wanna flirt... DO IT ELSEWHERE!" I flinch and my face turns red. Kiel gets a little red on the face but smirks at my reaction. 'WHERE DID MY INNOCENT KIEL GO!?' I turned away and rubbed the few bite marks on my neck and he sees this. Before he could make a comment Athy stepped in. "Stop!! You're making me feel single! What about Lucas!?" My eyes widen and I blush even more. "If he knows you two are flirting without him, he'll be pissed!" I stood up and started walking to the door. I saw Kiel heading towards me so I walk faster. 

Right as I leave the room my arm is grabbed and I get dragged away. Kiel was holding my hand and had a smirk on his face. He took me to the room next door and pushed me against the wall. I looked up slowly and see him leaning in closer to my neck. He pulled down my shirt and saw the bite marks Lucas and him left. He chuckled and looked up at me before licking the bites. My head flies back and I hold my mouth. "K-Kiel... stop. Athy is in the other room..." He ignored me and continued to lick the wounds. I tried to push him off but he was surprisingly strong. 

After a few seconds, I started sliding down the wall and landed on my knees. He dropped down with me and was smirking at my flushed face. He cupped my face in his hand and lifted it up by my chin. He leaned in and was about to close the gap between us but the door slammed open. "You BITCH!!" We both look over and see a very angry Lucas. 

He stomped over and grabbed Kiel by the collar and threw him away. He grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder. "That little whore... trying to take you away. Tch." I look over at Kiel who has a frown. "Come on, Lucas. You can't take him all for yourself!" Lucas looked over at Kiel and glared. "Oh, like you weren't." I lay there in Lucas's arms, watching the whole thing happen. "Lucas..." He looked up at me, the glare still on his face. "Its fine okay?" He stared at me before sighing and setting me down. I was about to see if Kiel was okay but Lucas grabbed my chin and made me face him.

He smirked and leaned closer before connecting out lips. My eyes were wide and I grabbed onto his arm. He licked my lips and I slowly opened my mouth. Lucas shoved his tongue in and started to explore every inch of my mouth, leaving no spot untouched. I moaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. While me and Lucas were... connected... a yell was heard at the door. "Thanos is a bottom!?" My eyes widen and I push Lucas away. I look over and see Athy holding her bleeding nose and her face flushed. I stumble backwards and run out of the room. 'AHHH ATHY SAW MEEEE!!'






Three things to say. 

1 - I made this a few days ago but it didn't upload so its late.

2 - I am VERY sorry for the short chapter.

3 - Athy is a FELLOW FUJOSHI

Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now