A Strained Friendship

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(3rd Person)

It was the early afternoon on the island, Sonic laid in his hammock, his eyes barely open as he attempted to wake himself up. his eyes adjusted to the afternoon sun as it beamed onto his face. After a few moments, he managed to pull himself up into a sitting position and let out a big yawn. As he stretched, he rubbed his eyes and took in his surroundings. Sonic always found it hard to get up when he would first wake up for the day, he had no idea why and had no reason for it to be as hard as it was. It was just one of the few tasks he found difficult. He would remain sitting in his hammock as he waited for his mind to wake up when his communicator would suddenly start to ring, he would answer, and the voice of his best friend would greet him.

"Hey Sonic, did you finally wake up?" Tails asked.

"Yeah, I just woke up a minute ago." Sonic responded as he yawned towards the end of his sentence.

"Well, the others and I are about to grab a bite to eat at the village if you wanna join us."

"Sure, I could eat. I can meet up with you guys in about 10 minutes."

"Sounds like a plan, we'll see you in 10."

Tails would hang up, Sonic would then stand up from his hammock and proceed to do another stretch. He grabbed his shoes and put them on, he then began to walk towards his doorway but stopped, he looked out towards the ocean for a few moments as if something was plaguing his mind. The thought trapped inside him like an animal trapped in a small enclosure. He would remain standing in that doorway before finally being able to snap himself out of his thoughts, once his mind was finally back in reality he started sprinting towards the direction of the town, preparing himself for another day of fighting robots, protecting the village, and getting into general mischief with his friends.


Sonic arrived at Meh Burger, his friends were already sitting at their usual table, and he could see Amy already ordering their food. The food at this place was nowhere near being considered good, but it was the only restaurant in the village so he and his friends would often visit the place almost every day. He would sit down at his usual chair, all his friends would look and smile at their blue friend.

"Looks like you're not the fastest hedgehog alive anymore." Tails would jokingly say to greet his friend.

"Nice to see you too pal." Sonic said as he chuckled at the joke.

"Yeah, but what gives? You're usually the first one here." Sticks says

"I just decided to take the scenic route this time."

Amy would walk towards the table and take her seat with trays of food in both hands.

"Dig in everyone." Amy would say in a cheerful voice.

They would all grab their food from the trays and begin chowing down on their meal.

"Who wants to bet that Eggman is gonna come in the middle of our meal." Tails would say with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"He does almost every day so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise." Amy replies after swallowing some food.

"Doesn't mean I don't get sick if it." Tails comments, with a slight sigh towards the end of his statement

"What if we just went to Eggman's base while he was asleep and locked him in his bedroom." Knuckles tries to suggest.

"Oh, trust me Knux, I wish it was that simple." Sonic says.

"Let's lure the squid people to his base so they can abduct him, then he can be their problem!" Sticks says with pure determination in her voice.

"Sticks, I thought we talked about this. Squid people AREN'T REAL!" Amy would say to her friend.

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