Wounds From the Past

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It had reached nightfall by the time Sonic and Amy arrived at Credor island. The only visible light was coming from the village that acted as a trading port for both this island and many others not far away. Sonic docks the boat and assists Amy in getting out, he hands Amy her bag before grabbing his own and exiting the boat. The two of them are silent as they walk down the dock to the village, they’re silent when they reach the Inn and even silent when they enter the room and fix up the beds. Amy hated the silence, she hated the fight they had back on the boat, and most of all. She hated the fear and worry for her best friend that drowned her mind. All Amy could do was lay flat on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. Even with the drowsiness, it was almost impossible to fall asleep. Her mind just simply refused to shut off, as every worse case scenario kept playing in her mind. Amy wasn’t the only one however, who was having difficulty sleeping. Sonic’s attempts to fall asleep weren’t much better, in fact, they were actually much worse than Amy’s. She could hear the tossing and turning, as Sonic struggled to so much as to even relax, let alone try and fall asleep. Both hedgehogs were tense, and understandably so. Suddenly, the creaking of the bed subsided, so did the sound of Sonic’s tossing and turning being replaced with the sounds of footsteps and the squeak of an opening door. The squeak returned, right alongside the click of the door quietly closing shut, Amy laid there, debating on if she should check on Sonic. She felt on one hand she should try, Amy knew that her friend was hurting, on the other hand, she didn’t want to exacerbate the damage that had already been done. But it seemed that despite the risks, despite the fighting and the deflecting. Amy couldn’t bear to let Sonic suffer alone, she didn’t have a clue on what she would say, or even if she would actually say anything. She just knew she had to be there, she had to try just one last time. With her mind set, Amy emerges from her own bed, and begins to follow Sonic’s path.


Crickets were the only sound coming from outside, and Sonic was glad it was that way. He couldn’t imagine himself attempting to interact with another person in the mental fog he was trapped in. His eyes were shut as Sonic focused on the chirping crickets, he was never one for meditation but the darkness shutting his eyes gifted. Combined with the nighttime sounds provided the first semblance of relaxing the hedgehog has felt in days. Sonic almost didn't want to open his eyes, as that would mean having to return to reality and face the situation that he was trapped in. The situation of his former friend and brother being alive, and most definitely out to finish what was started 3 years ago, that's why he took her. He's tying up loose ends before resuming his plans of absolute control, Shay always did have issues with control. But now it seems like an obsession……a borderline addiction that he needed quenched. He couldn't help but almost pity Shay when Sonic thought of it like that.

"Tap, tap, tap."

Footsteps….Sonic felt a sense of dread when he realized that he had to open his eyes and face the person approaching. He took a deep breath and braced for impact, as his eyes were readjusting to reality, he could make out a pink silhouette and knew immediately who was the person in question……Amy. Sonic couldn't tell if he wanted to either be annoyed by her presence or relieved. Once his eyes were readjusted, he resumed looking out towards the ocean, Amy joined him without a word spoken.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?" Sonic asked while maintaining his gaze towards the water.

"Not particularly, it's hard to relax these days if I'm being honest." She sighed after speaking.

Sonic instinctively chuckled. "That's probably the first thing we can agree on in a while."

The two of them are uneasy, fearing upsetting the other as that seems to have become a trend over the last few days. The two of them hated this sensation but were unsure of how to address it.

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