The Figure

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(3rd Person)

It had only been about a day since Sonic's encounter with Amy at the clearing, although he wasn't mad at her per say, he still would much rather avoid Amy as much as possible until after Skylar's birthday had passed than have to deal with her persistence. With not much else to do, Sonic decided that wasting the day away cooped up inside of his house wasn't going to do him any good. So therefore reluctantly decided to risk a bump in with Amy by going on a run. He hoped the idea would help him clear his mind as he placed on his shoes and dashed his way out the door.


The jungle was always a safe option for runs this time of year, that perfect spring weather mixed with the salty air of the nearby beaches made runs like these relaxing and the few times Sonic could allow his mind to be at ease. However, Sonic's mind was still plagued with the thoughts of Skylar. She would've been turning 13 in a few days had she still been alive, had 'he' not taken her away from everyone. The thought angered Sonic in a way he couldn't describe, in a way he never thought possible for himself yet here he was. Angry at the person who killed his younger sister and saddened by the fact he could never see Skylar grow up. All that grief and anger clouded Sonic's mind, to the point where he had stopped paying attention to where he was going and subsequently found himself running straight into a familiar face. They both found themselves on the ground finding their bearings, fortunately for Sonic this familiar face wasn't Amy, it was Sticks who was already back on her feet and making eye contact with the person responsible for knocking her over.

"Sorry about that." Sonic says while waving. "Wasn't watching where I was going."

Sticks brushes off the dirt on herself. "It's not like you caused any damage." She responds. "Although if you don't mind me asking, why exactly weren't you paying attention to your surroundings?"

Sonic's heart skipped a beat, he didn't want to talk about what was on his mind but also didn't want to lie to his friend. He decided on a compromise.

"I have some things on my mind, guess they've just been taking over my thoughts more than I realized."

Sonic tries his best to sound like his normal nonchalant self, but even he can tell that he sounds nothing like he normally does. Meanwhile, Sticks looks blankly at her blue friend, Sonic can't tell if she completely buys his story or not. She then let's out a grunt, it normally means she's annoyed which causes Sonic to internally panic.

"Amy told me what happened between you two at the clearing." She says point blank, "She tried talking to you about something and then you kept deflecting."

"Did Amy tell you what she tried to talk to me about?" Sonic asks cautiously

"She didn't, she said it wasn't her place to tell me."

The two became silent as they waited for the other to speak, Sonic was unsure of whether or not he should attempt to leave the conversation but ultimately decided against it. Sticks finally once again breaks the silence with another question while also hoping she isn't about to cross any lines.

"What did you and Amy actually talk about yesterday at the clearing?"

Sonic sighs, he knows it's better to come clean than deflect. He sits on a nearby log and motions Sticks to sit next to him. She obliges without any comment and watches as Sonic talks out an old piece of paper and carefully unfolds it. The old piece of paper is then revealed to be a photo of a younger Sonic and a pink hedgehog. Sonic is about 12 and the pink hedgehog looks to be about 10 years old.

"I had a little sister growing up, her name was Skylar and she was one of the kindest and most purest people you would ever meet." Sonic chuckles lightly as he finishes his sentence, "Skylar was the only family I had, we didn't know what happened to our parents, so growing up it was just the two of us."

"What happened to your sister?" Sticks quietly asks.

"Skylar died about 6 months before we found you." It's obvious that Sonic is holding back tears, "Someone I once considered a friend betrayed me and the others. Skylar saved our lives that day, but at the cost of her own."

Sonic soberly stares down at the photo, all Sticks could do is offer Sonic a side hug as her friend fought back the urge to cry.

"I'm so sorry." She says in an almost whisper-ish tone.

Sonic carefully refolds the photo and puts it away, he takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"Don't worry too much about it, okay? It's been almost 3 years since it happened and….'he' no longer an issue last time I checked."

" 'he'?" Sticks ears twitch as she consciously states her question.

"The person who betrayed us." Sonic says in an unnatural deadpan tone. "Let's just say, Skylar managed to take them with her when she….died."

Sonic rises from the log he was previously sitting on, he does a quick stretch starts walking towards the pathway, head down and abnormally slow for the blue hedgehog.

"Sonic?" Sticks manages to mutter from her mouth.

He turns around and makes eye contact with the young badger who called his name. "Yeah Sticks?"

"I just want you to know that……you didn't have to tell me anything…….but I'm glad you did." She lets out a small smile after finishing her sentence.

Sonic returns the smile and nods his head, he turns around and as quickly as he was there, Sonic was gone. With only a small bit of kicked up dirt as evidence of him once being there. Sticks then sides off the log and approaches the pathway, she looks at the small pile of kicked up dirt and sighs.

"I guess that explains why he acts differently this time of year." She mumbles to herself. "I just hope he can find closure someday."

Sticks quickly climb up one of the nearby trees and disappeared into the treetops, the area appears to be silent with only the sound of the ocean and a few birds filling it up.  However, upon further inspection, Sonic and Sticks weren't the only ones in the jungle. And, the mysterious person in question overheard the entire conversation.

A/N: Yeah I know this chapter is probably shorter than the last one but I'd rather have chapters be short but jam-packed with story than longer chapters filled with fluff. I'm unsure of when the next one will be out but I'll be posting these as I finish writing them. I hope you guys enjoyed and have a good day/night everyone!


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