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"Hey Gael! So you have an Engine Form related to modern technology right?" asked Perria.

"Yes I do!" replied Gael.

"Well, that's great! Because what you can do with that drone and those gadgets is just amazing!"

Gael blushed and said," Oh it was nothing!"

Catie smiled and asked, "Hey so then why don't you join us? It'll be fun! You know, a lot of adventurous trips and everything! Right guys?"

Everybody then looked at Catie and sighed.

"What? He can be our recruit! Come on, guys! And he is strong too!"

"Yeah actually! Why don't you join us? It'll be great!" encouraged Andel.

Gael looked down and without even saying another word started to run away towards the capital.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?" Elijah tried stopping him, but he didn't even listen to a word and just continued running.

"You see Catie and Andel? You guys blew it off!" said Elijah.

"What? He's so good. And he has an Engine Form of all things! So we can ask him to join us!"

"Well, Catie, he's just a random person. Do you think he'd just join us like that? And now all of our abilities are leaked out to that kid all because of our beloved Elijah." said Orwan.

"Ah come on! I don't think he'd say to anyone. Or I hope he doesn't..."

"Well, it's his choice to make. Leave him be. And on top of that, he's a kid. He doesn't even clearly know who Reuter is." said Khalia as she stretched her arms, "And speaking of which, I am pretty sure that now Reuter knows that a group of people is going against him. Patrick's Engine Form though wouldn't last that long. But that vulture must have given it already before he died."

"Yes. Reuter will get to know now. And until now Reuter had no idea we ever even existed. That's why he didn't send anyone with Patrick. What we experienced today, I am quite sure that this is nothing compared to what we may face from now on. As now he knows about us, he may start sending his next best pair of the army. So from now on, we all are on high alert!" affirmed Eunara.


"Finally!" Everyone responded. And after they finished their meal, they went to the capital and started to help the villagers to keep everything back to normal again.

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