The village Narkissa where people live their normal and peaceful lives celebrated the welcoming of their Sires in a very big event across the entire capital. Everything was enjoyable and fun until the event was disturbed by a person possessing Engin...
All 7 of them started giggling and talking with each other as they were having a feast.
"Hey, guess what? I am not Elijah anymore, I am THE KING OF ELIJAHS!" said drunk Elijah as he started laughing out loud.
Andel laughed and said, "Yeah well, I have never seen a 'King' this dumb before."
"One very dumb one!" said Catie as she was drunk too.
"At this point, all of you are dumb! Do you know how many problems you're creating in your lungs!?" shouted Orwan.
"Hear that, Sniper? He's talking to you!" giggled Catie.
"Catie you forgot, his name is 'King Sniper Elijah of Elijahs!" mocked Andel as all of them started laughing.
Orwan never drinks alcohol and neither does Khalia. Even though Perria drinks, she is never drunk, more like she can handle herself if she's drunk.
Gael then suddenly took this opportunity to ask Perria about Elijah's Engine Form as she was sitting right beside him.
"Hey, Perria, do you mind me asking you a question?" requested Gael.
Perria then stopped sipping her drink and said, "Yeah sure! Go ahead."
"So, back in Narkissa," continued Gael "I was fighting a big wild bear. And at some point, I was out of gadgets and then fortunately Elijah showed up. But when he did, I was damn sure that at first, I could hear his voice somewhere from far away. But then in no seconds he just reached to the side where the wild bear was and just killed him then and there! It was so fast, more like I couldn't see anything that was happening. Could you please explain to me what that was? I was so lost at that time.
"Oh yes! Elijah's Engine Form is quite complicated you know. Like this is what Eunara has concluded about his Engine Form," said Perria as she took a sip of her drink and continued, "So, apparently Elijah's Engine Form helps him to see further distances than a regular human can ever see. And not only that of humans, but everyone else who has an Engine Form too. More like he has a freaking magnifying glass attached to his eye!"
"Woah I never thought that was possible!" admired Gael.
"Yeah, no kidding right? But with that, he also can see future movements you know. Like for example if a ball were to hit him in 2 seconds he could probably see that! But of course, everything has a limit. He can only see what is going to happen in the future for 1-2 seconds. And not more than that. But honestly to see the future even for that much time is something significant in my opinion. I mean he is like a big spoiler alert, ya know! Haha! Hey, that was a nice joke..." giggled Perria.
Gael was so amazed to hear that and responded, "WOAH! No way! He can see that stuff!?" and then suddenly he remembered that he appeared fast next to the bear that day and asked Perria, "Wait, then what about the fact that he could come out of nowhere right next to the bear at that moment? That was like so instant."
"Oh yeah that, is his reflex movements. But not exactly as what we experience when we have a reflex movement. It is different. He knows what is going to happen and takes sudden action. There might be more to what his Engine Form can do. And not only his, but I also keep wondering about the others too. And sometimes mine too." chuckled Perria.
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Gael was speechless. He then smiled and asked, "Does that guy have any clue about his Engine Form at all? He hasn't explained anything about all this to me."
"Ah well, Elijah just doesn't care, you know. I am pretty sure he doesn't even know about all this." sighed Perria.
Khalia then suddenly jumped onto the side where Gael and Perria were standing and pat Gael's shoulder and appreciated, "By the way, your Engine Form is cool! You can create various types of gadgets that are so not familiar to this world right? Have you ever tried making an airplane?"
"Ah- what?" Gael flusteredly replied.
"Oh come on Khalia, that's just kind of a big rush to this kid. Can you make a rocket?" queried Andel.
"No- I-"
"Yo man. That's just too old! Make a spaceship!" added Catie.
"What are you guys-"
"Okay everyone, take it easy alright. Don't worry kid you'll get used to this. By the way, have you tried making a supersonic motorbike? You can do that right?" questioned Eunara.
"Okay, that's enough everyone! I guess you all had enough of those drinks!" defended Orwan as he started pushing all of them back to the room they were given in the ship, "And oh please somebody, pick up Elijah while you're leaving?"
"Got it!" grunted Andel as he started to carry Elijah on his back, "I can't believe Elijah again passed out after 2 drinks. That makes 4 in a row!"
"That idiot's just a big talk! Nothing else. We should probably troll about this tomorrow." smirked Catie while entering the main hall of the ship along with Andel.
"Good idea!" Andel replied.
They again started drinking and eating more once all of them reached the main hall. They wanted to celebrate as they got Gael as a new member of their team. Everyone enjoyed themselves and had fun. But they were still aware of the fact that Reuter now knows about them. Also that he knows that they are his enemies. And now there will be worse case scenarios than what they have encountered today. Will they survive long enough to reach Reuter? Will they ever meet him?
All coming up in the next chapter.
"Oh, beloved Narkissa, what have I done to you? To receive... such a frightful...destiny," said Elijah to himself before he fell asleep.