HP Characters at a Temple

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Hey everyone ! This is how I imagine Some Hp Characters to be at a Temple . Translation of the Hindi sentences is in brackets <3


The one who was dragged to the Temple 

 stands awkwardly 

Gets lost in the crowd

 Wants to go home and watch his favorite Show


The one who is very excited to go to temple 

Just for the sole reason to eat the tasty Prasad ( food/snack offered by the temple )

" Thoda aur dijiye na " (" Just give some more ") 

  " Pandit Ji , Ye prasad khareed sakte hai kya ? " (" Mr.Priest, can we by the Offering ? ")


This girl is actually interested to visit the temple 

The type of person to chant prayers in the temple for hours

 Has learnt every single prayer by heart , which is not an easy task since there are like 1000 of them

 Corrects the priest when he says something in a mantra wrong 

 Is a very religious person who's second home is the temple


Even he doesn't know what the fuck he is doing there

 Stands grumpily in a corner

 Is worried about his expensive Chappal (Slippers/shoes) being stolen


Trying to catch the eye of every pretty girl he sees at the temple

Might poke the Priest in his tummy

 Most likely to trip down the stairs of the temple because he was running away from the priest


Unlike his twin , he is very serious about his prayers

 But , It doesn't mean that he won't have a little bit of fun

 He messed up people shoes that were left outside the temple (Because shoes are not worn inside temples )

He most likely tried to help a girl in something , in hopes to get to know her


Another religious person over here

 Doesn't pray for hours , but knows every single prayer

 Will help the priest

 Will help the ladies

 Always making younger children ans Ladies stand in front of him in the ques 

All Girls are checking him out secretly

He is known by everyone as 'Sharma Ji Ka Sushil Beta ' (Translation : Mr.Sharma's Well mannered son )


Is Dragged to the temple by his family

Doesn't believe in the existence of God

Picks a fight with the Priest about the same 

" Proof kaha hai , Pandit Ji ?" (" Where is the Proof , Mr.Priest ? " )

Is known by everyone as ' Shukla Ji ka Badtameez Ladka ' (Translation : Mr.Shukla's ill behaved son )

Isn't liked by anyone in the temple except for the Girls


Tries to flirt with every other girl he sees

 Chants prayer in such a speed that hardly anything is heard 

Likes to roam freely in the open compound of the temple

 Feeds every other animal he sees


Only God knows what he is doing in the temple

 He is not praying but instead handing of food and money to the poor and homeless he saw on the streets the other day

 Other people are in awe of him


Every other boy is staring at her

 She prays in an instant and then hangs out alone in the compound of the temple 

Acts as if she is oblivious to people staring at her

 Is enjoying the attention


No one knows when she comes and disappears from the temple

Is very good friends with the Priest , his wife and the street Dog

 Often found helping the poor She and Pandit Ji (The Priest) Sit for hours discussing their theories about God and everything in Mythology 

She knows the name of every single mythological creature and is trying to prove the existence of more

A/N : So..........Yeah , this was the first chapter . Please tell me what you think of it and I hope that you enjoyed it .<3

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