HP Characters after spotting a Lizard

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A/n : Guys........Let's admit it , every single house in India is infested with a Lizard or two ......So , this is how I think these HP Characters would react when they spot a Lizard .

Harry Potter

Acts like he doesn't care

But is actually looking around to see if the lizard is near him or not 

If it is , then the boy will stand up on the sofa , looking around

Ron Weasley

Scared about the lizard hunting down his food

"Shooo-Shoo....go away you crazy reptile !"

Hermione Granger

Most likely to pick up her cleaning broom and chase around the house for the reptile

" Get out of my house , ewwww"


Draco Malfoy

Stand on to of a table in order to stay away from the lizard 

" Get that filthy thing OUT OF MY HOUSE !"

 If the lizard even touches him - he will be like -" AHHHHHHHHH IT'S KILLED MEH !IT'S KILLED MEH !

Fred Weasley

He is one of those people who is not scared or disgusted by the Lizard

 Is instead trying to catch the poor thing

So that he can scare Ron away the next time

George Weasely

Do you think that he would be doing anything different than his twin ?

No he won't

Cedric Diggory

Most likely to make friends with the lizard 

Will take care of her day and night

 " Hey Maya! come eat the mosquito I got for you "

Sirius Black

A very High pitched girly scream

 " Moonyyyyyyyyy there is a disgusting wiggly thingy in here "


"take that damned thing away !"

James Potter

Clutching onto Sirius

Screeching with Sirius , but in Tiny

 "M-Mooony ..........There is li-lizard in here ......................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Remus Lupin

The person the others are clinging onto in order to stay safe from the "wiggly thingy"

Doesn't give a fuck

Just holds the lizard by its tail and shoos it out of the house if the others start troubling him too much

The others give him the- BRO-WTF-DON'T-YOU-GET-DISGUSTED-BY-THE-THINGY look

Ginny Weasley

The lizard can vibe to music along with her and she won't give a fuck

Luna Lovegood

" Hey little one , I am Luna , You ?"

" I have heard that there are purple people of you family with fangs , can I meet them "

Is best friends with the "Lizzy" , as she named it

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