HP characters On Holi | Part 2

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-She is the girl who will throw a tantrum if anyone colors her without her permission 

-But, Won't even give a fuck before coloring others

-Dances with you on The Holi songs

-Looking good looking as ever

- Wins the Water Balloon fight 


-The person who is politely offering sweets to everyone she sees

 -Offers sweets even to the animals

- Makes sure that the colors are natural so that others don't get harmed 

-This girl so small and sneaky that you wouldn't even know when she disappeared from a place in the midst of colours and chaos 


-Color?  Nope. Not happening

 -The type of person who hides under the blankets on Holi And tells their mother that they are sick

 -Just because of the sole reason of not getting colored

 -But, her plans ends up being useless because Harry and Ron drag her out of her house 


-Two words - Wild , The Dancer 

REGULUS BLACK (This boy is a king , hands down - Your author )

-The one people are scared off 

-Because this man is danger 

-He carries hard color with him (which does not come off for days )

-Sits silently in a corner Waits until matters are heating up and then colors the person who he hates with the hard color

- Let's just say, the person had to roam looking like a pink faced monkey for a week. 

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