Arranged Marriage (Part 3)

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Y/n felt stuck . 

You might have guess why .

Currently, she and James were sitting hand in hand -as the priest chanted Mantras .

"Are you out ?" Y/n whispered to Marlene through the Earpiece .

"No.....We just dodged a couple of children and now are heading out - Oh Fuck" Marlene replied back through the earpiece .

"W-What happened ?" Y/n asked .

"An aunty spotted us- Fuck I think she is heading here " Marlene said .

Y/n panicked . As if this situation wasn't alarming enough-The priest said -

"The Bride and Groom may stand up for the final rounds around the Holy Fire that will conclude their marriage " 

Fuck . The 7 rounds together around the fire while priest chanting Mantras would mean that- They would get officially married . Fuck Fuck Fuck .This was not supposed to happen .

These were the exact thoughts in Y/n's mind . While James seemed to be thinking the exact opposite of her panicked state .

"Please guys ! Be quick ! Or Me and James will get married !" Y/n whispered through the earpiece as she and James stood up for the rounds around the fire . 

"I'm not complaining . I would quite enjoy that actually " James said . Y/n froze . These were the moments when she was confused in . This man could go on making her swoon over him and then act like nothing ever happened , and he had to do so now . Y/n had a strong urge to turn around and yell at him , but she resisted .

One round around the fire. Two. Three. Four. Five . Two more rounds and they would be married. Y/n could feel her heart racing. This was not supposed to happen . Just when the two completed their sixth round around the fire-Marlene's voice echoed through the earpiece .

"Mission Successful " 

Y/n stopped in her place . And everyone stared at her - wondering why the bride stopped-specially when Just a round was remaining .

Y/n held James's hand in hers and ran . The two ran through the crowd and straight to the stage above. The crowd was frozen in place due to the shock-not understanding what was happening.

As Y/n and James reached the stage  the pushed aside the host and took the mic for themselves. Y/n shakily took a breath, the sound echoing through the silence. 

" We're sorry " Was the only word Y/n muttered. The crowd soon realized that this wasn't Marlene's voice.

Y/n and James together, pushed aside the cloth covering their faces and the crowd's eyes widened, as there was a confused uproar of shouts . 

Murmurs broke out, but no one dared to come up on the stage. 

"This isn't the bride and groom "

"He Bhagvan! Dulhan Bhaag Gayi ! "

(Oh Lord!  Bride ran away! )

"Ye kya hai!?" (What is this )

" We'll explain everything from the starting. But, please, listen to us and think about it, please " James said as the crowd grew silent again. 

" The reason because we decide to replace the bride and groom was........ They didn't want to get married " Y/n said.

The crowd took a collective gasp.

"They were forced into marriage. Both of them wanted to build their career first. 22 isn't an age to get married " James continued.

You might wonder why they were lying, right?  The thing was -They would never reveal their best friends' deepest secret in front of everyone. For now, they would come up with an excuse, settle the matters down and talk about the Marlene and Dorcas situation only to their parents in private, without any drama or protests arising.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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