Arranged Marriage (Part 1)

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A/n : Sirius and Marlene are getting Married, But the Indian way..........and Chaos are about to happen , specially if it is a big , Fat, Royal Indian wedding with more than 500 people. Translations of Hindi Sentences in Brackets . Lowkey James Potter x reader

"Where the Fuck is the Bride ?" Y/n asked as she hurried through the crowd . The Wedding Rituals were about to begin but the Bride was nowhere in sight . While the Boys helped Sirius get ready , Y/n searched for her bestfriend Marlene .

Y/n quickly reached towards the room where the Bride's Makeup and Dress up was done . She pushed the door open to find Marlene sitting there , facing the large mirror , looking beautiful as ever in her Bright red and Gold Lehenga  . Y/n neared her , and that was when she realized that Marlene was crying .

" What happened ? " Y/n asked Marlene .

"Mai ye Shaadi nahi kar sakti " (I can not get married) Marlene said as she continued to sob .

" Kya?" (What?) Y/n asked , completely shocked .

"I cannot get married " Marlene repeated .

"What ? But Why ? " Y/n asked .

"Because I am in .......I am in love with Dorcas " Marlene said . Y/n's jaw dropped to the floor .

" B-But you were the one who agreed to Marry Sirius ? " Y/n asked , stated - more like .

"I knew no one would support Our relationship, So I agreed when My Parents came up with the offer of arranging my Marriage with Sirius" Marlene said .

"But why are you telling me all this just now?" Y/n asked as she fretted around .

"Because , when I saw Dorcas passing by , Crying- I realized that this marriage will bring no one Happiness , Nor me , Dorcas or Sirius. We all will continue drowning in our sea of despair and heartbreak ,until we wouldn't even know who we are " Marlene said and Y/n felt shivers run down her spine .

" B-But the ceremony is about to start , It is too late now , Marlene " Y/n said as her voice cracked .

Marlene stood up from the chair she was sitting on and turned to Y/n ,taking her hands in hers .

"Y/n please . I'm begging you . P-Please . You are the only one I can trust . I don't want to get m-married ." Marlene sobbed ,

Y/n pulled her into a hug . A tight hug , as her mind raced to find a solution to this problem .

"You've got to run away " Y/n said and Marlene pulled away from her , horrified .

"That is the only way. I have another plan in mind , But for that to be successful, you and Dorcas have to run away , at least for the time being ."Y/n said.

"Fine " Marlene said .

In the span of Five minutes , Y/n helped Marlene Pack her hand bag with essentials and removed her heavy Lehenga and Makeup and got her dressed up in a plain Jeans and top . Y/n herself got changed into a plain dress instead of her heavy attire and Blue Lehenga she had worn specially for her Best Friend's Wedding.

Y/n quickly locked the room and took the keys with her , as to make no one enter it and not find Marlene . Then the two girl quickly hurried through the crowd , Marlene covering her face with the backpack , so that no one recognized her .

'Where are we going ?" Marlene asked .

"To the Boys" Y/n said and Marlene's eyes widened .

"What?" She asked .

"We cannot Betray Sirius. And they can possibly help us " Y/n said as they kept moving through the large crowd . A group of middle aged ladies were singing wedding songs in a corner and some were gossiping , kids were running around and playing . Middle aged men were talking together in a group, some of Marlene's close Family members were Running around for the final preparations , Her sisters were searching for her and some were flirting with gentlemen their age . Many were crowded around the food counter , I mean - who would miss the free and tasty wedding food?

Y/n spotted Lily, Alice and Marry sitting together in a corner with some food , all of them looking charming and attracting a lot of attention in their ,Mint , Pink and Yellow  and Lehengas respectively .

" Pssst ! " Y/n whispered as they came near their table.

The three looked towards Y/n and their eyes widened .

"What-" Alice began loudly but Y/n clapped a hand over her mouth and motioned the three to follow them .

The group of Five neared the Boys Changing rooms as secretly as possible in the large crowd . But to their Bad Luck , they were stopped by a Middle aged Woman, or Aunty , as they are called in India. Indian Aunties are basically middle aged women , who are older than you and are distantly or not at all related to you , and still think that It is appropriate to comment on your behavior and personal life .

"Oh Hello Girls, where to?" The Aunty asked, raising her eyebrows suspiciously , seeing as the girls were near the Groom's Chambers .

Y/n searched her mind for excuses , But she found none. Meanwhile, she was also getting nervous over the fact that the Aunty was gazing right behind her shoulder , where the Girls had hidden Marlene behind them to stop people looking at her .

"We w-were just her to steal the Groom's shoes " Lily said hurriedly . Stealing the Groom's shoes is a common ritual at Indian weddings , where the Bride's friends and sisters steel the Groom's shoes , which are considered special, and the Groom has to give them the "Payback" Money to get his shoes back.

"Oh.......But isn't that done after the Groom Enters the Mandap ?" Mandap is the main place of Ceremony where all the rituals and vows are done .

"B-But the Groom is already there " Alice said hurriedly .

"What ? He is ?" The Aunty asked .

"Oh yeah , He is . Didn't you know?" Y/n asked , trying to act innocent .

" Go quickly , the rituals are about to start " Mary said.

"Thank you for telling me , Girls. Stay Blessed " And with that , The Old Aunty left . The girls made sure she had left and the they breathed a sigh of relief .

The group of five again sprinted and finally reached Sirius's Chambers . Y/n looked around and knocked on the Door . It was opened By James .

He looked amazing than ever in his Three Piece Black suit , His hair still messy and his glasses hanging loosely on his face . Y/n didn't realize that she was staring until she was broken out of her trance by his smooth voice .

"Y/n ? What are you guys doing here ?" James asked .

"It is not the time for that , let us in , You Dumbass " Lily snapped and James was a little taken aback with her statement .

"O-Okay" He said as he opened the door for them . Everyone entered and Y/n quickly locked the door. In the Boys' Chambers , Sirius was nervously fixing his Sherwani , Remus was fixing his hair while chatting with Sirius and Peter was sitting with a plate of food in his hands .

"Everyone .......We have a problem " Y/n said and all the attention was diverted to her . Remus , Sirius and Peter looked at her in surprise , Just taking notice of her and the others presence.

"W-what happened ?" Sirius asked and the Boys' eyes widened when Marlene uncovered her face that was hidden behind the bag .Y/n took a deep breathe and said with all the confidence she had-

"This Wedding Cannot Happen " 

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