Arranged Marriage (Part 2)

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"What!? " The four Boys asked , their eyes widening to the size of saucers .

"Are You deaf or what ? SHE JUST SAID THAT THIS MARRIAGE CANNOT HAPPEN !" Lily yelled .

"W-We were just giving a reaction " Peter said.

"It is the time for Action , Not reaction !" Y/n snapped .

" B-But why ?" James asked . Y/n looked at Marlene and nodded , and started telling them all of the story . Everyone's eyes slowly widened and their jaws dropped to the floor. From her peripheral vision , she could see Remus's eyes slowly recovering the color they had lost over the last month due to Sirius's marriage and she couldn't help but smile . But that smile faded when she saw Sirius's expression which seemed to fall. With a snap-Y/n realized that Sirius had actually grown to love Marlene .It was a very messed up love ......square .

" The only solution is Marlene and Dorcas running away, at least until our plan is successful " Y/n said .

"What even is the plan ?" James asked and Y/n started telling them .After she had finished , all of them just stared at her.

"I know it sounds stupid, But trust me " Y/n said.

"We trust you Y/n " All of them said , except for Sirius. It broke Y/n to see someone she considered her brother sad , But she had to do this . Because - In this messed up love Square , two people loved each other back , while two didn't ..........So , It was necessary to help the ones who had a little bit hope , who loved each other back-which just happened to be Marlene and Dorcas.

All of the waited anxiously for Sirius's reaction when he spoke up-

"Let's do this "

And with that their plan was in action .

"Peter ......You go and Fetch Dorcas ....And lead her from the garden gate , straight to my Car in the parking lot " Y/n said , pulling out keys from her pocket and throwing them at Peter who stretched his hands and caught them . Peter nodded and left .

"Now .......Wait- Siirus can't be seen here .....We need to hide him too " Y/n suddenly remembered .

"Umm.......One of my friends lives nearby , Just in an alley across the street " Mary said .

"Brilliant " Y/n said .

"So what then ?" James asked .

" Mary .......You've got to take Sirius , form the ........Gate on the Sewage side" Y/n said .

"Wait-WHAT ? I am not going from there !" Sirius protested .

"Sirius , Please ! we need to get Marlene out of here without anyone seeing . We've got to use the Photo studio side gate for that , it is also nearest to the parking one and the most secluded ! The sewage side gate is the only option !" Y/n said .

"Uh- Fine" Sirius said as he too went and decided to change into a casual pair of Jeans and Shirt .

"Good luck, make sure no one sees your face" Y/n said and smiled at Mary and Sirius . The two smiled back and left , and Y/n felt extremely broken after she saw from her peripheral vision- Sirius furiously rubbing his eyes , probably to bury the tears deep down.

"So.....Mary helps Sirius , Peter takes Dorcas , One of us needs to take Marlene , and one of us needs to guard The Chambers so that no one comes searching here " Remus said .

" But we can't send Marlene now , for she will be the most noticeable . We need a safe way to send her " Y/n said as she glanced at the clock . fifteen minutes , they had fifteen minutes .

" Distraction " James spoke up suddenly and everyone looked at him.

"We need to distract the crowd until Marlene and Dorcas escape "James explained .

" Shit , I didn't think about that " Y/n whispered to herself

" Shall we Dance? Play Music for the guests ? What do we do ? " Marlene asked .

"We can't do that ! The ceremony is about to start in a few minutes , and delaying it will arise protests from the guests , because delaying the time is considered unlucky !" Y/n said . Her mind was racing faster than Her internet ever did .

The group nervously fidgeted and held their heads to find a solution . Suddenly , Alice clapped her hands together and shared a look with Lily .

" I have an idea !" She said .

"WHAT ?" The others asked instantly .

" We need to replace Sirius and Marlene " Alice said .

"How exactly ? We can't just give Birth to their twins , now can we !?" James asked .

"No........What I mean is, We need another Bride and Groom " Alice said . It took a little time for others to understand what she meant , but when they did , all of them were left dumbfounded .

"But who exactly are the people going to be this "Bride and Groom" for the meantime ?" Y/n asked .

"You and James , of course !" Remus and Lily said at the same time . Y/n chocked on her own spit and coughed a couple of times before looking at the two with the "Are you serious? " face . And James tripped on his own feet and fell face first on the floor .

" What ? Why ? How exactly ?" Y/n asked While James was still picking himself up from the floor , his shock still not gone.

"See........I am needed at the place of ceremony , being Marlene's Cousin . And It would be better if Remus guarded the Chambers , no one would ask him a lot of questions , seeing as he works for the police . And Alice could help Marlene , She is the sneakiest of us all , plus , she knows the nearest passage " Lily said .

" Fuck" Y/n muttered and gulped . She was trapped

"Let's do it " Came James's voice .

Y/n looked at him like he had grown a second head . James blushed hard under her gaze and stammered over his words .

"I-I m-mean ....The Wedding ceremony lasts basically forever , and With the nearest passage , I don't think It would take a lot of time for marlene to escape. Once Marlene escapes , we both can make up an excuse and quietly leave the Wedding Hall " James said .

"That's great ........But how will you know when Marlene has escaped ?" Lily asked .

"What do you think we are for ?" Y/n and Remus spoke up . The two shred a look .Y /n pulled out her mobile phone and did some Bluetooth and Sound connection setting while Remus pulled out some small hearing devices from his bag .

"W-Why-How? " Marlene stuttered .

"A Cop needs to be prepared at all times" Remus said and winked . The group distributed the small hearing chips between them and placed them properly in their ears .

Y/n and James took the clothes the Bride and Groom were supposed to wear and Got changed quickly inside the changing rooms . The two came out , Y/n covering half her face with the , which is a tradition at Marriages . Covering half her face , made her task easier .

Then there was James with the Traditional covering his face .

When Marlene saw the two , she nearly cried and pulled Y/n into a tight hug .

" Thank you ,Thank you , all of you " Marlene sobbed .

"Ja Marls, Jeele apne Zindagi " (Go Marls , Live you life ) Y/n said , smiling as she fondly patted her best friend's head .


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