HP Boys on Holi

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A/n: Holi (pronounced the same as Holy) is one of my favorite festivals . It is the festival of colors , some consider it as a playful day of love too , filled with Joy and (Very) tasty food and basically coloring every person you spot head to toe with gulal (powdered color) and splashing buckets of colored water at each other . For the Non-Indians- Let me tell you - IT IS A HELLA WILD FESTIVAL AND I LOVE IT ! Here are some pics for you -



Thandai - A very tasty drink I love , usually drank on Holi -  (I love this thing)

So.............This is how I imagine some HP boys on Holi -


The person who stays away from everyone , not wanting to be colored to the rate he is unrecognizable .

If someone does colors him (which just happens to be you) Oh , The game is on

Will make sure you look unrecognizable with color in your hair , eyes and basically everywhere

 The type of person who looks handsome even when colored like a monkey


Will first eat the snacks and drink several glasses of Thandai

Makes sure no color reaches his food

 Later dances to the song " Badri Ki Dulhania" (My Non-Desi readers , just listen to this song even if you don't understand a word , it is amazing , trust me)

 The type of person to be like - " Just put a little color , not too much on me , p-please?"

 Is grumpy later because the person did color him and it also reached his Thandai


The type of person to avoid being colored like the plague

 Very grumpy if someone just even puts a pinch of color on his cheek

Screams in a very shrill voice if someone colors him 

" That was My Expensive Gucci Kurta/outfit  BRO !"

" Don't you dare color me , I'll kill you . My father will be hearing about this"


He is they type of person everyone is hiding from , because he will be the one looking out to color others horribly

He goes wild while having a water balloon challenge 

" Fred..........Please please , Not my hair" - You

" Of course not , Sweetheart " - Fred

But he will do the opposite of what he promised 

Will dump a whole bucket of colored water on your head


The person who has a specific plan in his mind

Most probably to have a challenge with you about who avoids being colored for the longer time

 He loses (To his utter dismay)

You tease him about it all day

But you regret it when he throws you over his shoulder and drops you into the large colored water pool


The type of person every girl and some boys are staring at

 People swoon and nearly faint when he dances to "Balam Pichkari"(Just watch this song if you want to know the real madness of Holi )

Others getting jealous when he is paying his attention to you , trying cheeky pick up lines while attacking you with color

 He looses his golden Boy image as he dances madly , colored head to toe


Another wild person we have here

 very competitive 

Drinks glasses of Thandai , might slip some on himself

Doesn't give a fuck

Colors girls while flirting with them

 But grumpily stands in a corner when someone (you , hehe) color his hair

Will throw a tantrum because his perfect hair is ruined


He will be the first one to color you

Later teasing you about how he won

 But nearly cries when you refuse to color him(You were just teasing this big baby)

 Apologizing to you all day

 Gets teased about it by Sirius

 His hair that were a bush before turn to a colorful forest by the end of the day


Gets wild with his friends

But , asks each and every single person for consent before coloring them 

Makes up Poems for Holi

 Some romantic ones that are recited looking directly at you 

The one to have polite conversations in the corners while others go wild

But , is secretly throwing water balloons at everyone , specially at the grumpy uncle down the street 

Creates utter chaos 

Starts the water fight

 People don't think it is him because.........he is him 

But , when you found out and told everyone , the crowd went wild

NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM (Because , why not ?)

He surprises everyone when he dances to " Rang Barse"

Is very good at it Loves his Thandai to death

Makes sure that the plants don't receive any color or colored water as it might not be good for them

 Is surprisingly the one to hype up the atmosphere 

Isn't much colored because he is sneaky

 But everyone he has colored looks like a zombie (His mission has been accomplished )

A/n : Hello everyone <3 another Indian scenario for you . PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT , IT LITERALLY MAKES MY DAY !!!!!!

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