Chapter 12

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As I entered our room, I am shocked to see Rohan sitting on the bed. Usually, he's always occupying the sofa. But my gut feeling says that it is rather about the scene that we had at the office than anything else.

"Hey," he greeted me softly.


"Come, I'd like to talk to you about something, more like share something," he said as he patted the space next to him. I walked over and sit a little farther from him.

"I know my behaviour today was totally unacceptable, I am very sorry for that and I'd like to tell you why I was so angry,"

"Don't do it just because you think you owe me an explanation," because I genuinely didn't want him to feel coerced into telling me something that was clearly personal to him.

"I don't owe you an explanation I know, I just-- I would feel better if I told you this okay? So will you want to listen?"


"And don't think that just because I will be sharing my dark secret, I want you to share yours as well, no, take your time, I want you to trust me enough when you share your secret okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah," I said, suddenly too overwhelmed with his understanding nature.

"Urmm so, okay wait, it's about Tanya, and when I go in detail about what happened, would it make you uncomfortable? Would it trigger anything?"

"I don't think so,"

"Okay so, I'm leaving a little part because that isn't my story to tell, but Sunil and I aren't blood related, we both were adopted, I honestly don't know about my birth parents and from what I can remember, I only had a sister. From the time I can remember, in the orphanage, it was Sunil, Tanya and I. Tanya was a year older to us, so she was adopted before us and..."

"Mom and dad came one day for the adoption process and when theysaw Sunil and me, they immmediately wanted to adopt us, as a duo since they could see the love we had for each other and they didn't want to separate us. We grew up living a fairly nice life with everything being povided for but Tanya never left my mind, I knew that as soon as I am an adult, I will do everything in my favour to reunite with my sister. Dad knew that too because when I turned 19 and I asked dad to help me trace Tanya, we were easily able to find her and we connected with her parents and were reunited. I was so so so happy to finally meet my sister after so many years and I was so happy to know that she was well. Our families had also bonded and then after two years, Tanya got married, it was a pretty youngage for her to get married at, she was 22 but she was happy with the proposal and we thought she was okay with it. Once she got married things changed, we didn't suspect at first but we realised that every time Tanya came home, she would not be her bubbly self, she wouldn't talk much and she would keep to herself," he said as tears welled in his eyes, I slid closer and placed my hand on his.

"And slowly, she stopped visiting us, we all knew something was up, I knew something was up, she had those eyes when she would talk to us, the guarded ones, the one that assesses their whole surrounding, the one that you have Sanjana," he whispered the last part and my eyes widened as I stared at him. So this was what he meant when he said that he knows these eyes.

"One day I followed her to her office, she was behaving extra strange that day, she wouldn't even let me hugher and she had a scarf and then when I confronted her there, her scarf fell and I saw a hand print, I immediately knew what it was and I was so angry, I wanted her to immediately come with me to the police station, she denied saying that she was pregnant and she couldn't find it in herself to do so," he paused as he let the tears stream down his face and sniffled.

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