Chapter 3

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My hands trembled as I walked in the building. I had worn a white lace blouse and black pants. I was nervous. After so long I'd finally found a job and I just hope I wouldn't mess it up. An yet the niggling feeling that I could always do something wrong and mess things up like I always do didn't stop. I was almost trembling as I walked to the office.

I pressed the lift button, waiting for it as I bounced from one leg to another. I was careful not to drop my coffee thermos that mom had prepared for me. There was no one in the world who made coffee as amazing as my mom's.

To calm my nerves, I was even listening to some music but seldom did it help. I stepped inside the lift and my hands only started to tremble more as I pressed the number 25.

"Doors closing," the lift voiced out.

"You can do it," I told myself as I waited for the door to open.

"Fifth floor, doors opening," the robotic voice said and the doors opened. I glued as I stepped out and took a look at the scene in front of me.

The receptionist stared at me before walking up to me with a smile and I forced myself to smile as well.

"You must be Sanjana Shukla,"


"Welcome to our office, Mr. Sanjay will--" before she could speak, the lift opened.

A hush fell over the office as in walked Rohan?

"You?!" I said as I walked in front of him. I heard several gasps and heard a glass break somewhere in the distance.

"Miss Sanjana," Rohan said.

"So what you're following me now? Keeping track on where I go and where I don't? And what are you here for? To stalk me? To make me feel uncomfortable? Is that how 'nice' you are? I knew something was off aboutyou, but I didn't peg you to be astalker! I even believed when my mother told me that you're quite different from the other men out there," I snapped, my anger getting the best of me.

"Woah calm down,"

"Calm down? How do I calm down after you've showed up at my workplace?" I said and Rohan looked uncomfortable as he stared at me.

He opened his mouth but as footsteps approached us, he fell silent and his lips turned into a small smile.

"You have the audacity to smile?" I asked.

"What's happening here? And Bhai what did you do now?" Mr. Sunil said as he playfully hit Rohan's head.

My eyes widened and the coffee thermos fell from my hand as my jaw hit the floor.

Oh fuck! Oh no! Rohan was Mr. Sunil's brother? That means he was the other brother who owned the firm. And I had just insulted him. I imagined the face of my dad as he would laugh when he learnt that I was sacked on the first day of my job. I was always known tobe someone who would make silly mistakes and jump to conclusions but for it to cost my job would just be very silly.

"Oh hi Miss Sanjana," Mr. Sunil said before turning to Rohan and then looking back at me before his face morphed into a look of horror.

"Oh no! Don't tell me what I think just happened," Mr. Sunil said only to be smacked on his head by Rohan.

"Guys, get back to work, Lilly please show Miss. Sanjana her desk," Mr. Sunil said and I hurriedly followed Lilly as she showed me the desk, desparate to get away from te brothers.

"Here, you can settle down, this is just temporary since the bosses have decided to give you a office of your own, so get settled and then by lunch break we'll move you to the new office,"

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