Chapter 32

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I was exhausted when I woke up, today is Laxmi pooja and I have been tired since the day 1 of diwali celebrations because we've been working non-stop. We were still staying in my appartment and although we didn't say it, it was clear that most of us were uncomfortable. The rooms of my appartment were way too small and the hall was smaller as well, which meant privacy was almost nothing and the way the Sunil and Monica acted, oh don't even get me started.

Last night I was so exhausted and done with the world that the moment I laid down on the air mattress, I was out like a light and the next time I woke up, it was morning.

"Sanjana, can we have the thali please,"

I nodded as I rushed inside the kitchen where the plate was placed on the kitchen counter and took it to the living room where the pooja was being held.

Once the pooja was, we all went downstairs and mingled with our temporary neighbours.

"How could you do that? Kitni baar samjhao me tumhe?!" A man shouted at whom I assumed to be his wife.

"Sorry na yaar, you know I'm still new to this new life,"

"Fir woi bahana! Just tell me if you can't do these things, don't ruin everything!" The man yelled before leaving the area.

I must have been staring a little not too discretely because the lady turned in my direction and smiled politely.


"H-hi," I said.

"He's a nice husband, he's just frustrated today because of his mother," she said politely.

I just nodded my head and then that lady left with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Hey," I heard Rohan behind me before I felt him wrap his arm around me.


"You okay?"

"Yeah I think so," I whispered and closed my eyes as I leaned against him.

"Kya hua?" He asked me.

"Nothing just exhausted,"

"Don't work tonight then take a break, you're going to drop dead if you keep working like this Sanjana,"

"Yeah I was thinking that only," I said.


I had a heavy arm wrapped around my waist and I was tucked under someone's chest. That was my first realisation when I woke up the next day. My cheeks burned as I felt the steady movement if Rohan's chest under my cheek.

"Good morning,"

His chest rumbled under my cheek as he spoke.

"Morning," I murmured.

"I see those wheel turning in your head,"

"I just... How did we end up like this?"

That was when he noticed our tangled legs and my head on his chest before he stood up immediately.

"It's just that you were crying in your sleep last night and I didn't know what to do, so maybe that's just how we ended up, I'm sorry I didn't mean to touch you without your consent but I didn't know what to do and--"

He stopped mid-sentence when I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest. I was crying. My shoulders were shaking as I cried against his shoulder.

"Hey why are you crying? I'm sorry if--"

"You didn't do anything wrong, stop saying sorry," I whispered.

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