Chapter 26

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Rohan's P.O.V.

"Ha na yaar, I'm on my way," I dragged out as I started the car.

"Don't use that tone! Shameless boy," Sunil joked.

"Sunil shut up and let me enjoy my ride home, I am so sleepy and tired," I snapped before I hung up and threw the phone on the passenger seat.

I was so tired, all I wanted to do was go home, take a shower and sleep. Dinner could go to hell. My head was honestly bursting because of how tiring today was.

I parked the car and then retrieved my bag from the passenger seat before walking inside the house.

As soon as I walked inside the living room, I heard Sanjana's laughter. Hearing that, a smile pulled in my lips as I walked inside the kitchen.

I stood in the doorway as I stared at the scene in front of me. Sanjana was laughing at something mom had said while she cut the vegetables and Monica was making weird faces as she kneaded the dough.

"Ah my stomach aches," Sanjana gasped as she wiped her eyes.

"Nahi sacchi, that lady legit told me that and then her dog--" mom burst out laughing too.

Once they recovered, Sanjana sauteed the vegetables. I cleared my throat and they all looked at me with wide eyes.

"What's happening?" I asked as I stared at Sanjana.

"Sanjana here said that she wanted to impre--"

"I wanted to learn cooking," she interrupted and narrowed her eyes at Monica.

Monica snorted while rolled the dough.

"Monica, stop bullying her," mom chided in and Monica only laughed out loud.

I don't know what faces my mom made in Monica's direction but in a minute they both were out of the kitchen leaving Sanjana and me alone. I walked closer to the kitchen counter and leaned my hip against it as I crossed my arms.

"Why don't you freshen up?" She asked softly.

"What are you making?"

"Chole bhature,"

"Oh, that's my favourite!"

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"Oh, that's my favourite!"

"Yeah mom told me that,"

"So, Monica was saying that you wanted to impre--"

"I didn't want to impress you or anyone! It's just I was at home and I wanted to learn how to cook and help mom and then Monica was already helping mom so she assumed that I wanted to impress you," she said all of it in one breath and puffed her cheeks.

"Mhmm I see,"

"Arey, sacchi mein!"

"Ha baba, I understood,"

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